Jus In Bello- Part 2

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"Dean, what are we going to do?" You whispered to the oldest Winchester who had a stone-cold expression on his face. That was his pissed off face but also his thinking face. You were in the back of a guarded car. You were taken to a local police station but you knew you would be shipped to a federal prison as soon as possible.

"I'm thinking, sweetheart." He muttered before going silent again. You got tears and sighed, looking at your hands that were in cuffs. They were connected to a chain that connected to your feet which were also chained together.

"I'm going to fucking kill that bitch when we get out of here." You muttered angrily. No one responded but the back of the car opened and three guards stood there with guns while one of them reached for Sam who was near the door.

"Come on, you three. Time to go." He said and you shuffled out of the car after the brothers got out.

"Reidy?" You heard Henriksen say over the walkie-talkie that one of the officers were holding.

"Yeah, Vic?"

"Bring them in." The guards led you inside the local prison and as soon as you walked in, all eyes were on you. You looked around the place before landing on a scared young woman who was clutching her cross necklace. You didn't know what these people said to her but she was afraid of you. You looked at the desk she was standing behind and saw her name plate. Nancy.

"Why all the sourpusses?" Dean said to everyone with a smile, trying to be the cool guy.

"I'll show you to the cells," Reidy said, grabbing Dean's arm. Dean immediately shrugged him off, walking with his brother. They had them chained together but you separate from them.

"Hey! Hey! Watch the merchandise!" Dean snapped as he walked. You watched as Nancy's terrified eyes followed you.

"We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy. Please." You looked at her and made eye contact. You sighed when she didn't respond. You walked to the back rooms where the holding cells were. Two of the officers put Sam and Dean into one small cell with a bed and a toilet while they put you opposite of them, the same things in yours. You sighed as they locked you inside and did the same to Sam and Dean. They left you guys alone and you groaned, grasping the bars as you looked at Sam and Dean.

Dean decided to head for the bed while Sam to the door but they were chained together and couldn't go far without the other. They groaned in frustration and Sam glared at his brother.

"Dean, come on!"

"Alright, alright. Sit?" Dean compromised and Sam nodded. They awkwardly walked to the bed and both sat down on it.

"How we gonna Houdini out of this one?" Dean asked, looking at his brother before looking at you.

"I have no idea." You sighed sadly, resting your forehead against one of the bars.

"We get a right to a phone call. Maybe we can call Bobby. Maybe he might know what to do." Sam suggested.

"Sam, I don't think they'll let us do anything. We're probably the top 3 most wanted criminals in the US. My dad can't do anything." You sighed, looking at the entrance to the room with the holding cells to see a shadow pass by. You stiffened when you saw Agent Henriksen walk into the room. All three of you shut up and you bit your lip, watching his eyes look you up and down. It was nothing sexual about it but it still made you uncomfortable. He chuckled as he turned to the Winchesters who avoided eye contact.

"You know what I'm trying to decide?" The agent finally spoke, looking at you before glancing at the brothers.

"I don't know. What? Whether Cialis will help you with your little condition?" Dean sassed when he realized no one else would be speaking to him.

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