Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 5

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You woke up to someone wrapping duct tape around your chest, securing you against one of the chairs in the room. You opened your eyes and lifted your head, looking at the two men in front of you, one of them throwing the duct tape on the bed.

"Ah, she's awake!" one of them said, kicking Sam in his seat who was startled awake. "Great, now you're both awake."

"Who the hell are you?" You asked, trying to get out of the tape but realized it was no use.

"The name is Kubrick and this is my partner Creedy. Wow, Sam Winchester. We didn't even have to touch you and you went all spastic, knocked yourself out."

"What do you guys want?" You asked but you were shut up by a hand in your face. You reeled back, glaring at Kubrick who smirked at you.

"I used to think your friend Gordon sent me." He revealed.

"Oh, come on." You groaned, rolling your eyes at the mention of Gordon's name. You put him away in jail and you thought he wouldn't be a problem anymore. He better not have gotten out of that prison, that's for sure.

"Yeah, because he asked me to track you down, and put a bullet in your brain. First, start with the girl, Y/N. Then move onto Sam. Says that you're a pain in his ass for landing him in jail."

"Yeah, that sounds just like him," Sam said with an eye roll.

"But, as it turns out... I'm on a mission from God." Kubrick said, striking Sam across the face. Sam slumped forward, obviously out cold again.

"Hey! Leave him alone. You want someone to pick on, pick on me! I'm the one you want!" You yelled, afraid that one hit from them would kill Sam, knowing he had the world's worst luck.

"Oh, we will get to you. You know what, I think it's time to do what God wants." Kubrick said with a smirk.

"You think God exists? Hate to break it to you buddy, but he isn't real. Angels aren't real, Satan isn't real, you're just wasting your time chasing after a false hope." You said, glaring at him. He growled and backhanded you. You grunted in pain, already tasting the metallic copper. You spit out some blood onto the floor and looked at them.

"You think that is going to intimidate me? Buddy, I've been hurt a lot worse. There is nothing you can't do that hasn't already been done to me." You said, feeling some blood trickle down your chin.

"We'll see about that," Kubrick said, punching you in the face hard, you were surprised you didn't fall back in the chair. You were knocked out after that, the last thing you heard was the laughter coming from the man who hit you.


You woke up to water being thrown on your face and you sighed, opening your eyes. You knew you would have a bruise under your eye and you could already feel your jaw pulsing from pain from when Kubrick hurt you the first time.

"You both were a part of that demon plan to open the gate, weren't you?" Kubrick asked, sitting on one of the beds.

"We did everything we could to stop it," Sam said, sighing at the pain.

"Lies! You're telling us lies! You were in on it. You know what their next move is, don't you?"

"Look, bitch, if we were helping the demon plan, we would have killed you by now. So, why don't you go back to whatever you were doing before and leave us the fuck alone? Why are you hanging out with Gordon anyways? He's a lunatic who kills people." You said, glaring at the men.

"Oh, and you don't? Gordon told me about your powers, you and Sam. I know what you're both capable of doing."

"No! Not anymore, no powers, no vision, nothing." Sam tried to say but Kubrick wasn't having any of it.

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