Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 1

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Out of everything that is happening in your life, the most surprising thing is that a demon offered help to get Dean out of his deal. What made it so surprising was the fact that Ruby is a demon. You didn't know why she wanted to help or why she cared and she didn't feel like answering your questions. Something was off about her but you didn't know what. You didn't like Ruby, everything about her sent off alarm bells in your head. Of course, they did, she was a demon, that should be the only reason you were skeptical.

However, you didn't think she only wanted to help with Dean. You could sense a bit of an evil side to her and you didn't trust her at all. You only went along with her for Sam. You knew he was desperate to get his brother back and of course you were too, but not this way. You would find another way that didn't involve a demon.

Sam didn't want Dean to know about Ruby and who she was and what she wanted to do for Dean. You knew Dean was against you and Sam trying to get him out of his deal so you thought he was going to get pissed but you needed to let him know what was going on.

And you were right, he was blowing up. He did not like the sound of Ruby at all.

"Dean, please don't get mad at us. You have to understand why we are searching for help. You're my boyfriend, Dean, the love of my life. You can't expect us to do nothing." You said before Dean could yell at the two of you.

"Seriously, you find out this Ruby chick is a demon and the first thing you do is have a chat with her? No, you go for the holy water! What's the matter with you?" Dean raised his voice, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he drove. He was not a happy camper.

"Dean, it wasn't like that." You said, trying to get him to understand your side of this.

"What is there to understand? Y/N, you know better than to trust a demon! You know they lie. She knows yours and Sam's weakness which is me," Dean scolded you and Sam like you were children. "What else did she say?"

You looked at Sam and wondered if you should say anything. You told Dean everything about your encounter with the demon but you didn't tell him how much you were skeptical about her. There was something off about Ruby like she was after something much bigger than getting Dean out of his deal.

"Nothing, okay?!" Sam said, speaking for both you and himself. "Look, I'm not an idiot Dean, I'm not talking about trusting her. I'm talking about using her. I mean we're at war, right? We don't know shit about the enemy; we don't know where they are or what they're doing. I mean, hell, we don't know what they want. Now, this Ruby girl knows more than we will ever find out on our own. Yes, it's a risk, I know that, but we need to take it."

"Are you two okay?" Dean asked, the safety of you and Sam more important than some demon. "I mean, you two are feeling okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine, Dean." You said, resting your chin on the back of your hand which rested on the back of the front seat. Before anyone could say anything else, a phone started ringing. You frowned and checked your phone which was dark. Sam checked his phone and the same was for him.

"It's not mine," Sam noted. Dean checked his and it was off, so it couldn't have been it. Everyone was confused on where the ringing was coming from but Dean seemed to understand after a few moments.

"Wait, check the glove compartment, it's Dad's." Sam opened the glove compartment and pulled out one of John's old cell phones which was blaring the annoying ringtone.

"Why do you have John's cell phones?" You asked Dean while Sam answered it.

"I keep them charged in case any of my dad's contacts call him for whatever reason."

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