Chapter 40: The Doubt

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Yang and Minjun's Apartment.

"Okay...I've had it..." Yang finally spoke, later that night when he saw that Minjun's getting ready to sleep without talking about the obvious matter that had been on his mind for God knows how long.

Minjun gulped, as he pretended not to know what Yang was talking about. He gave Minjun a smile without looking at Minjun's eyes for long.

"I'm tired...I'm going to sleep now..hehehe.." And he tried pulling the blanket over his head. Yang was quick to know what Minjun was up to though. He got hold of the blanket before Minjun was able to pull it.

"You!?" Yang growled, "speak now...before I force you to..." He warned.

Minjun bit his lip. So there is no way out of this then, huh? He had conscious of Yang's expectant gaze all evening, after the meeting they had over dinner about the boss' relationship development, but he pretended that he didn't notice anything and continued to act normal.

Minjun should have known, that Yang's not someone who's keen to left something that's bugging him, unanswered very long. Yang's had always been someone who's very honest and very open about his thoughts. He's a good man to boots.

Minjun sighed and then he sat down on the bed, facing Yang. He couldn't really look at Yang though.

Yang was sitting on the bed headboard, waiting for Minjun to start the conversation.

"About what we talked about during the meeting.." Minjun paused, as he plucked his courage to get on with what he had been wanting to now for two years.

"Yes..Go on.." Yang was looking at Minjun intently. They started the meeting with one purpose in mind, to collectively have their stand whether to or against the President and Dayu being together. Little did he knew that it would in fact bring to light something like this.

For two years, his lover thought that he's still in love with another man? And he never said anything about it? That realisation hurt Yang, more than he thought possible.

"I'm sorry...I thought, you still have feelings for Dayu.." Minjun said, meeting Yang's eyes, "I mean..I thought..You still love that way..."

Yang felt his heart twisting painfully. It hurt. It really does hurt.

"You thought that, for two years..? And you never thought you'd ask me..?" Yang hissed.

Minjun gulped, regret and guilt and hope mingled together inside his heart, "I didn't think..That it would matter..I mean..The boss is a great man..Anybody would love him...And I thought you love him but you knew that you'd never be with him because he's in love with someone else..." Minjun didn't know how to make Yang understand, that even though he thought Yang's still in love with Dayu, and it's always there at the back of his mind, but he never actually felt jealous, "I knew that you're serious with me. You wouldn't have accepted me and asked me to move in with you, if you're not serious..."

Yang almost laughed at that, "serious about you..!?" He shook his head, "if I was just serious about you..I wouldn't have asked you to move in with me..Kang Minjun, I love you..." this wasn't the first time that Yang said the words to Minjun, but this is the first time that Minjun actually believed it without a shadow of a doubt.

"And, I don't love Dayu anymore. Not in that way, at least. I haven't been in love with him for almost three years..." Yang growled, "I got over him, even before you and I became lovers...I never make it a habit of pining after someone who obviously didn't feel the same way about me. He's a beautiful man..But, he's not for me..I would never have even started a relationship with you, Jun, if I still love someone else!"

Minjun nodded, desperately, "I know..I know you're not someone who would hurt I said. I knew you're serious with me. I know that you have no intention of getting back together with the Boss..That's why I thought it didn't matter..."

Yang had never heard of something more preposterous than what he had just heard, "Kang Minjun." Minjun flinched. Yang had called him twice now, in the span of one minute, using his full name. Yang really is angry.

"Have you been listening to even a word I had just said?" Yang's voice was deathly calm, masking the hurt he felt inside, "I said..I love you..Only you. Dayu is my friend. Our best friend. He's a part of the family...The only reason I opposed to him being with President Wang Qing, was because I didn't want him to get hurt. Not because I'm still in love with him...And like Uncle Tsang said. Even if I don't trust that man- I wouldn't do anything to sabotage their relationship. Dayu's entitled to make his own mistakes..." Yang gritted his teeth.

Minjun couldn't bring himself to look at Yang, he's too stricken at the moment. The guilt and the regret of doubting Yang and the joy and the elation of finally being sure that Yang's in love with him, and only him; was making him dizzy.

"You should have told me about what you're thinking, Jun..Two years...You thought that I had someone else in my heart, for two years?" Yang just couldn't stomach it.

Minjun gasped and he looked up at Yang, then. His eyes, getting teary, "I'm sorry..." He breathed the words, regretfully, "I'm really really sorry.."

Yang was so hurt, and it made him quiet angry, but, when Minjun lifted his face to look at him, with his tearful eyes, he just couldn't stay angry at him for long.

"What pissed me of, was the realisation that you spend two years, feeling uncomfortable on your own...Even though you said, you weren't jealous..You must have still felt a little hurt.." Yang said, reaching out to brush his palm against Minjun's cheek.

Minjun felt two big tears rolling off his eyes, down his cheeks, Yang was right. He did. He was never jealous. But he was uncomfortable and a little hurt.

"And to think that if you'd only tell me straight away..if you had only asked me - I would have told you how I really felt. And you wouldn't have to feel like that..." Yang pulled Minjun to him, "two years..You endured for two years...! You little fool.." Yang wrapped his arms around Minjun ; despite what he was saying.

Minjun sobbed into Yang's chest then, his hands were around Yang's waist, "I'm sorry..."

Yang took a deep breath and patted his lover's back, reassuringly, "Shhh...I'm not mad anymore..." Yang said, he couldn't win against Minjun's tears, "but, please..after this...if you have anything that's making you wonder...please, tell me...I love you, Kang Minjun..."

Minjun tightened his arms, "I love you too...Yang..." he whispered, relief and joy coursed through his body filling him with happiness, "I promise..I will tell you everything...!"

Looked like, the boss' relationship is a magical thing indeed; it already gave him one happiness. Minjun thought.

If it wasn't for the boss' relationship with The President, Minjun wouldn't have slipped the matter off his tight lipped mouth, it would have still be a secret he hid in his heart and Yang wouldn't have known about it, and the matter wouldn't have been addressed properly.

But, now- everything was finally cleared. And Minjun couldn't be more happy.

If, I could be this happy. I wish the boss would be as happy , too...! Minjun prayed as he sobbed happy tears into Yang's broad chest.

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