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  A few weeks after (y/n) moved in, Jungkook started feeling something weird whenever he payed attention to one of the others. He brushed it off a few times but seeked help from his stylists.

  "You, my boy, are in love" the stylist said after finishing up Jungkooks hair and when he was done explaining everything

  "What?!" Jungkook looked at the stylist

  "You don't see it? Jealousy. You get jealous when he's not giving you attention" the stylist laughed

  Jungkook sighed and looked at the younger sitting in the corner of the room on his phone.

  A few hours later

  "OK! BTS you're done, (y/n) you still have a few more shoots to do" the director said

  (y/n) bowed towards them and went back to the changing room to get into the next outfit.

  "Should we wait for him?" Jungkook asked the others

  "Yeah, we have the rest of the day off so why not" Namjoon shrugged and sat on the closest chair with the rest of the group following after him

  "Yeah, we have the rest of the day off so why not" Namjoon shrugged and sat on the closest chair with the rest of the group following after him

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@ odd(y/n) Worldwide handsome @ worldwidejin

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