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  "You were supposed to give it to him when he left!" The man behind the desk yelled at Sora

  Sora hung his head and folded his hands on his lap, "I know, Im sorry" he said quietly before feeling a stinging pain on his cheek

  "If it happens again youre out" the man sat back in his chair and waved off Sora


  (y/n) groaned when he tried to move his head, "What the hell did he put in?" He said rubbing his temples

  "We're not sure, you just need to rest though, your results will come in next week" his manager said sitting on the edge of the bed

  "When am I allowed to leave?" (y/n) tried to look at his manager but stopped when he felt more pain go to his head

  "Depends on how you feel" Young-mi (Name of a comedian but Im using it as his/your managers name) shrugged and sat on the sit of the cot

  "God damnit I'm going to be way behind, huh?" (y/n) groaned

  "The companies we're doing collabs with heard what happened and decided to switch the dates until you're better" Young-mi rubbed his shoulder reassuringly

  (y/n) let out a relieved sigh before relaxing more, heading into dream land.

- a few days later

  (y/n) smiled at the nurses and doctors as he walked out of the hospital and giving one last bow to the person at the desk before walking out completely.

  He took a deep breath when getting outside and looked around, soon seeing a car drive infront of him and the door open revealing Young-mi. He got in slowly, not wanting his head ache to come back, and sat down getting comfortable.

  "So how was the hospital?" She asked

  "The people are nice" he replied with a shrug

  "Feeling alright? You're gonna continue next week" She said looking around for other cars before driving off

  "Yeah, I think whatever it was is finally out of my system" he breathed, leaning his head back

  "Good. The results came back" she continued staring at the road

  "Really? What was it?" He questioned looking at her

  "Well you were drugged with a "date rape drug"" she said using her fingers as quotes

  "What?!" His eyes widened and he felt his throat

  "It wasnt by the guys, dont worry" she rolled her eyes when she saw him getting worried

  "Then who was it?" He asked

  "I'll give you two guesses" she rolled her eyes again for the hundreth time

  "Oh, right, the worker" (y/n) blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck

  "The police are trying to find him but they have nothing so far" she laughed after his embarrassment went away

  (y/n) looked out the window and saw the building, "Thank you Noona" he bowed after getting out of the car and grabbing his bags, "I will have to buy you dinner one night"

  "Dont worry about it" she waved him off and rolled up the window before driving away

  (y/n) watched the car drive away and turned around and started walking into the building. He went to the elevator but soon started thinking, 'why didnt they visit?' He frowned feeling the elevator starting its way up, 'They were probably busy' He shook his head, forcing the thoughts to go away and walked out of the elevator when the doors opened

  He started his way back to the apartment, opened the door, and looked around. He continued looking but found no one, "Must be out" he shrugged

  When he got his shoes off, he walked to his room and flopped on the bed, "finally home" he breathed in the scent of the washed blankets giving him a cozy feeling along with the softness of just light Brown sweater.

  Feeling his eyes get heavy he felt the darkness consume him and be taken to dreamland.

  @ odd(y/n) Its already possible 🙌🙌  37,543k likes  770 comments

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  @ odd(y/n) Its already possible 🙌🙌

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