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After their shoot, the group went back to their apartment and looked at each other, "So..." Namjoon said as he clapped his hands together

Right before Jungkook was going to speak, the front door opened and in walked (y/n) with a dark blue suit and white shirt on. (y/n) bowed towards them after coming through the door and taking off his shoes.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around, I've been traveling a lot and its hard to keep up with everything" (y/n) said, rubbing the back of his neck slightly

"Hey hey its okay, we get it, we're idols" Taehyung laughed slightly

"Oh... Right..." (y/n)s face turned a slight pink and he cleared his throat, "So, uhm, I'm off the rest of the week?"

Hoseok gasped and jumped up, "So are we!" He smiled and walked over to (y/n)

"We could go to Everland in Yongin" Jimin shrugged

"Yeah but that's a few hours away" Yoongi rolled his eyes

"Road trip!" Seokjin said, getting excited

"Im not sure" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows

"Come on! It'll be fun! Just call PD nim and ask" Taehyung said and went over and sat next to Namjoon

Namjoon sighed as he took out his phone and went into his room. The others waited anxiously hearing the muffled talking.

A few minutes later Namjoon walked back out into the living room and sighed, "He said yes BUT" He stopped everyone before they could get excited, "We have to stay in disguise, you too (y/n)" Namjoon pointed at (y/n) when he finished talking

Everyone then started jumping and running around out of excitement, "This is going to be so fun!" Jungkook yelled

@ odd(y/n) #suit34,599k likes731 comments

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@ odd(y/n) #suit

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