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(y/n) went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack, eating it quickly and went to the door

  "Whats the rush?" Seokjin asked, handing the wrapped up food to (y/n)

  "I have a meeting with a company owner today, we're discussing their new line and where they want the show to be placed" (y/n) bowed to everyone before putting his shoes on and walking out of the door


  When getting to the building, (y/n) saw a bunch of people lined up on both sides of the entrance, "Is this for us?" (y/n) asked Young-mi

  "Maybe" Young-mi was looking at all of them

  Soon a large figure came from the doors, (y/n) saw it was Jinkyu and relaxed a little, "welcome!" Jinkyu said as he walked closer to the group of people with (y/n) and Young-mi

  "Why is there those people at the entrance?" Young-mi asked

  "My boss wanted a warming welcome to our new model" Jinkyu smiled at (y/n)

  "Its seems a bit much... Im just modeling for a few weeks" (y/n) rubbed the back of his neck

  "Our boss just wants the best for you" Jinkyu smiled again at (y/n), "follow me" Jinkyu started walking back to the doors

  As (y/n) was walking through, the people lined up bowed at him and he grew a flustered blush on his face. They continued walking until they reached an elevator, "Im going to have to ask for you all to stay down here, my boss would just like to see (y/n)" Jinkyu said as he wrapped an arm around (y/n)s waist

  "Im sorry, I cant allow that" Young-mi said as she furrowed her eyebrows, "we need our team to go in with him, I will not allow (y/n) to go in there alone"

  "It is a request from the CEO and founder of (company). I was hoping youd respect it knowing how much this will help your company." Jinkyu said annoyed and tightening his grip around (y/n)s waist

  (y/n) looked down at the arm weirdly and then to Young-mi with a pleading look to get Jinkyu off of him.

  "Fine. If its okay with (y/n)..." She met the said males eyes, "but..." Jinkyu looked at her confused, "If you continue to make (y/n) uncomfortable like that I will personally chop your arm off and make you eat it." Young-mi said with venom toward Jinkyu

  Jinkyus eyes widened with fear as he removed his arm from (y/n)s waist. Young-mi saw (y/n) relax, making her relax

  "I'll go up for an hour only, after that bring everyone else up, we need them to plan this" (y/n) said after a few seconds

  Jinkyu nodded, still shaking with fear from Young-mi, "follow me" He said and started walking into the elevator with (y/n) following him

  Before the door closed, (y/n) began making signs to Young-mi, 'if I dont come back after an hour call the police'

  Young-mi nodded and watched the door close. She stomped her foot, "I cant believe- Just ugh!" Young-mi walked over to one of the benches, her heels clicking on the marble floor

  (y/n) looked down at the floor the while time in the elevator till Jinkyu finally spoke up, "We'll make sure the police dont even take a step onto this property"

  (y/n) looked up at him suprised and fearful, "w-what?"

When they got to the office, (y/n)s heart dropped when he saw the person sitting at the desk, "Its so good to see you in person" The deep voice said


  "(y/n) hasent posted his daily picture of Instagram" Taehyung scratched his head while looking at his phone

  "Yeah, he would usually have posted it by now..." Hoseok took out his phone and looked at his feed

  "He must just be busy" Yoongi said and took a drink of water


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