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  When (y/n) woke up he heard the muffled clatter of pots and pans, not in his full senses yet. He yawned softly and rolled in bed realizing he had different clothes on, 'huh?' He looked down at the large Ryan pajamas, 'Namjoon...'

  Rubbing his eyes and getting up, he went to his closet and changed into better fitting pajamas and neatly folded the Ryan ones on his bed. He walked downstairs feeling the coldness and immediately went back into his room and put on a large fitting sweatshirt.

  "(y/n)!" Seokjin yelled and came running over, getting the others attention

  "Ai you!" (y/n) prepared for the impact of Seokjin as he hugged him

  The rest came over and started giving (y/n) hugs and pats on the back.

  "Uhm thank you for... Helping me when I was... Drugged...?" (y/n) smiled

  They all smiled back at him, "By the way, who uhm changed my clothes into pajamas?" (y/n) blushed looking at them all, his gave landing on a tomato red Namjoon

  "I, uh went into your room because I saw your uhm shoes and you looked uncomfortable in your clothes..." Namjoon said while rubbing the back of his neck

  (y/n) blushed a bit more, "thank you" he said and bowed a bit

  Seokjin glanced between two, "how about some breakfast?" He said clapping his hands together

  They all nodded and gathered around the table eating, "this is really good!" Jimin exclaimed

  (y/n) nodded in agreement while smiling at Seokjin with a mouth full of food, "I already know that" Seokjin said and smirked

  When they all finished, (y/n) helped Seokjin clean the dishes. After finishing they say on the couch with the others.

  "What do yoy guys want to do today?" Jungkook asked looking around

  "I dunno" (y/n) shrugged looking at his phone

  "What about we have some drinks and play games" Yoongi suggested

  "We dont have anything else to do" Hoseok shrugged looking at Seokjin

  Seokjin sighed, "Fine, but only two drinks for each person, I dont want anyone getting drunk tonight" he said and went and grabbed two packs of beers, handing two to each person and left two for himself, then putting the remaining few away.

  @ odd(y/n) 🌊🌊🌊   45,729k likes   864 comments

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  @ odd(y/n) 🌊🌊🌊

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