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  "Calm down, Its only been 30 minutes" one of the staff tried soothing Young-mi

  "I dont fucking trust this company! Why did (y/n) have to say an hour?!" She continued tapping her foot while checking her phone every 10 seconds


  The man got up from his desk and sat infront of the terrified male, "Please, (y/n), calm down" he sighed

  (y/n) was still too scared to speak and tried to get as far away as he could from the man standing over him.

  "We should start explaining sir, we only have 26 minutes left before we send up the rest" Jinkyu said after looking up from his watch

  The man nodded, "(y/n)... When you sign this contract, you are to come and talk about plans whenever I want you to. Understand?" The man said in a serious tone while turning his body to pick up a clipboard with a piece of paper and pen

  "Y-yes" (y/n) grabbed the paper and signed it

  The person smirked while looking down at the smaller male, patting his head, feeling him tense under his touch and watching him stop halfway through his signature

The person took the paper and put in away in a file, "Bring them to the meeting room, I will come in a bit later" He said and the guards nodded

  They brought (y/n) up from his seat and pulled him along to another room. They sat him back down in another chair as Jinkyu sat across from him, "fix your hair" he said while getting out some papers

  (y/n) began fixing his hair and trying to put it back into the place the best he could. After that, Jinkyu slid his phone over to him, "Don't worry, we didnt do anything to it" he smirked and turned away

  (y/n) reached out shakily and took it as Young-mi and their crew were walking in. (y/n) didnt look at them as he just stared at the table while they all sat down.


  "I'm glad we could do this collab" The person said as he shook Young-mis hand

  "Yeah. I am too." She narrowed her eyes at the tall man before releasing their hands and walking out with an arm around (y/n)


  "Spill it. What did he do" Young-mi crossed her arms looking at the small male gluing his eyes to the window

  "Nothing." (y/n) shook his head, keeping his eyes towards the window

  "Park. Hae. Jin." He paused everytime after every word, "What did he do?" She growled

  "I swear be did nothing! Im just thinking about something" (y/n) looked at her

  "I will find out what he did and if he did something bad to you-" Young'mi got cut off

  "I know I know" (y/n) sighed before looking back out the window


  "He still hasent posted?" Yoongi asked, looking at Hoseok

  "Look who's asking now" Taehyung said while crossing his arms

  "I- Well-" Yoongi hesitated

  Hoseok crossed his arms along with Taehyung, both of them looking at the smaller


  (y/n) looked at the clothing line,"Some of these are very... Off..." Young-mi said looking at the pictures

  "Yeah..." (y/n) looked at the clothes hanging on the door of his bathroom

  "Are you sure you want to wear these?" Young-mi looked at the door

  "I-I guess, Its for the company" (y/n) started changing into the new clothes

  "(y/n) if youre not comfortable you dont have to do it, Si-hyuk will understand, especially after what happened with the guy" Young-mi said in concern

  "Im fine with it, Young-mi" (y/n) was almost done and unlocked the door, "ready?" He asked, grasping the handle

  "Sure" she leaned back in the small couch and looked at the door

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