46: Mature

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When (y/n) woke up he immediately felt the pain in his lower back but the warmth was missing. He groaned when he got out of bed and when he started walking he looked like a child taking their first steps

Jungkook walked in and stifled his laugh, "here let me help" he said before picking up (y/n) bridal style

"You and Jun don't give any mercy" (y/n) said and punched Jungkook's chest weakly

Jungkook laughed, "how do you expect me to when you look this hot" Jungkook smirked, seeing (y/n)s blush

When they got into the main room, Jungkook set (y/n) on a chair in the dining room in front of a plate of food

"Hey" Jun said coming up behind (y/n) and giving him a kiss behind the ear then in the neck and finally on his lips

(y/n) melted into the kiss, pulling away before it got too intense, "not right now" he said and started eating the food

Jun huffed out, before squeezing (y/n)s shoulders and walking to his plate


  Jungkook waved as he walked out of the house and (y/n) closed the door after he left, "so..." Jun said coming up behind (y/n) and hugging his waist

(y/n) leaned his head back onto Juns chest, "hm?"

"Did you like it?" Jun asked, bringing his hands forward and rubbing (y/n)s stomach, tracing his abs

"Mhm" (y/n) melted into Juns touch

  "What would you like to try next?" Jun smirked

  (y/n) blushed, "Let's talk about that later, I need to recover after last night"


The next few weeks went on normally but (y/n)s comeback date was nearing, "hey, I want you to do more stretches" Jun said to (y/n) after dance practice when the crew left

(y/n) looked at him with a confused face, "why?" He asked

"I want you to be more flexible" Jun said with a smirk, setting his hands on (y/n)s waist

(y/n)s face turned red, "why, aren't I flexible enough" he copied Juns smirk, playing his game

Jun leaned down, putting his lips next to (y/n)s ear, "I want to be able to bend you in half" He said lowly

(y/n)s blush deepened and he felt his body get hot, "not here" he whispered

Jun let out a small laugh before squeezing (y/n)s waist and letting him go, walking away to pack up their stuff


  When they got home, Jun set their bags down and pinned (y/n) to the wall, going for his neck, "ah- Jun-" (y/n) tried pushing Jun away but couldn't

  "Jun- ah- stop" (y/n) said, still trying to push Jun away until he felt his arms forced and pinned above his head

  "Why" Jun growled before attacking (y/n)s lips

  "Jun-... just not-... tonight-" (y/n) said in between kisses

  "Then how about we start on those stretches" Jun pulled back with a smirk, looking down at (y/n), the smaller panting

  "Yeah I'd rather do that" (y/n) said, patting Juns chest

Jun picked up their bags before walking away, "get ready"


"Ah Jun I can't do it anymore" (y/n) gasped

"Yes you can" Jun growled and grabbed (y/n)s waist

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