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  (A/N) I've made updates to most of the past chapters, 22 and 25 have the biggest changes, I will most likely be making other changes

The next morning, (y/n) woke up with pain in his lower half. He sighed and tried to move but felt arms tight around his waist. Soon memories of the night before flooded in and his face turned red

  "Good morning" Jungkook said, his voice raspy. He moved his hand up and down (y/n)s side

  "Morning" (y/n) breathed out and turned around

  "I had fun last night" Jungkook smiled at (y/n)

  "Same" (y/n) smiled back

"I'll get you some pain killers" Jungkook said while getting up, putting on his underwear and pants before leaving the room with a smirk towards the other members

  When he left (y/n) rubbed his face, "Fuck" he cursed to himself

Jungkook came back a few minutes later with water and painkillers, "Jin told me to tell you that Jun is coming at 12 to pick you up" he said, sadness in his voice, "It's 11 right now so you need to start getting ready"

  (y/n) took the pain killers quickly and drank all the water, "I'm sorry I have to leave this early" he said to Jungkook

  "It's fine" Jungkook smiled softly, sitting next to (y/n) and petting his hair, "at least you weren't gone when I woke up"

  "I was kind of expecting you to be gone" (y/n) laughed jokingly

  Jungkook looked at (y/n) with an offended look, "It was a joke geez" (y/n) sighed and hit Jungkook's chest lightly

  "Better of been" Jungkook relaxed and leaned back

  Once the pain killers finally started to set in (y/n) started putting on his clothes, smoothing them out to look less wrinkly, "those really show off your body" Jungkook teased, biting his lip while looking at (y/n) up and down

  (y/n) blushed lightly, "I almost had to show up in sweatpants and a sweatshirt for that reason"

  "You'd look good in my sweatpants and sweatshirts" Jungkook said, getting up and putting his hands on (y/n)s hips

  (y/n) looked away as his face became more tinted, "stop" he laughed slightly, resting his hands on Jungkook's chest

  Jungkook laughed with (y/n) before using one of his hands to grab the smallers chin and make him look up at him, "can I?" He asked

  (y/n) nodded, closing his eyes before feeling Jungkook press their lips together softly, the intensity increasing as both became more needy. Jungkook brought down one hand to hold (y/n)s neck and the other to grasp his ass. (y/n) gasped lightly, his cheeks turning a bright pink. He arched his back slightly and leaned back.

  "You're such a tease" Jungkook whispered, breaking the kiss for a few moments before slamming their lips back together

  The kiss went on for a few more minutes before it was interrupted by Jimin coming into the room, "woah woah not with the door open" he said

  Jungkook and (y/n) looked at the door with wide eyes and red faces, "I-I we-" (y/n) stuttered before they both moved away from each other

  Jimin started laughing hysterically, holding his stomach, "yah! Shut up!" Jungkook said with furrowed eyebrows, stepping forward

  Jimin laughed for a few more seconds before straightening out and clearing his throat, "I came to tell (y/n) that Jun is here, he's in the lobby"

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