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  When (y/n) got to his room he saw his phone light up and looked at it to see he got a text:

Doyoung: Hey, you alright? You havent been texting us lately

(y/n): Yeah I'm alright, just been busy. Ive been traveling a lot and doing shows

Doyoung: Oh ok then do you maybe wanna have dinner with some of us when youre free?

(y/n): Maybe, I dont know when I'll be free though

Doyoung: Thats fine, just text once of us when you have some free time or know you will have some

(y/n): Ok 👌 See you guys soon


  Young-mi started banging on the door. Yoongi groaned while opening the door, "What do yo-" he got cut off by Young-mi pushing him and walking through the door

  "Where's (y/n)?!" She looked around frantically

  "He's upstairs in his room" Hoseok said while walking in, rubbing his eyes

  Young-mi started speed walking upstairs after taking off her shoes. She burst through the door and saw the sleeping figure of (y/n).

  "Wake up!" Young-mi started shaking (y/n) while yelling

  Some of the members watched while leaning and standing at the door, "What what!" (y/n) sat up, his hair sticking up in different places

  "You have to be fitted for more clothes soon! Why were you still asleep?" Young-mi put her hands on her hips

  "I uh..." (y/n) rubbed his neck

  Young-mi rolled her eyes before going into his closet and coming out a few moments later with clothes. She threw them at him as he started getting up from the bed, "Wear those, now hurry up and get ready" Young-mi sat down on his desk chair

  (y/n) rolled his eyes before walking into the bathroom mumbling something.

  After a few minutes, (y/n) came back out, "geez took you long enough" Young-mi got up, brushing off her skirt

  "Im sorrryyyy" (y/n) said while grabbing his phone

  "Now hurry up you old man" Young-mi started walking to the front door, (y/n) following behind

  They both put on their shoes before walking out. The group watched as (y/n) left with Young-mi.

  Seokjin frowned holding a plate meang for (y/n), "He didnt even have breakfast" he said, sounding disappointed


  "Why do I have to be fitted for more clothes? I thought they could use the first measurements" (y/n) yawned, stepping into the car

  "I used that excuse to get you out of your room, we're going to a meeting with Si-hyuk and Doho" Young-mi gripped the steering wheel

  "Both of them?" Young-mi saw (y/n) tense when she mentioned Doho, the person he met with

  "Yeah..." She became skeptical and narrowed her eyes at the road

  "Why? Is there something wrong? Are we stopping the collab?" Young-mi heard hope in the third question

  "Im not sure, they just told me to pick you up" Young-mi shook her head

  She heard a long sigh come from (y/n) before she looked over and saw him looking out the window.

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@ odd(y/n) Oh
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