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(A/N) If I were to make a Male!Reader Mafia AU with BTS and Jun, would anyone be interested?

The next weekend

  (y/n) looked at himself in the mirror, looking at his outfit, a simple white button up, black dress pants, and black dress shoes,"change" Jun suddenly said, leaning on the doorframe

  (y/n) looked at Jun, "why? There's nothing wrong with my outfit" the smaller said, looking at the mirror again

  "It's too tight fitting" Jun said, walking over, "especially the pants"

  "I don't have any other pants" (y/n) laughed, "I'm not gonna show up in sweatpants"

  "If it means you won't wear those then yeah you will" Jun said going over to their shared closet

  "Im not going to change" (y/n) said, grabbing his phone and wallet

  "Yes you are. I don't want any pervert eyeing you" Jun said, coming out of the closet with sweatpants and a sweatshirt

  "Says the guy that wants to have sex everyday" (y/n) mumbled

  "I'm serious" Jun said walking over to (y/n), looking down

  "No one is going to look at me" (y/n) rolled his eyes, taking a step back, "we'll have masks on and be where no one can see us"

  Jun furrowed his eyebrows, "yeah because drunk men won't look at that" Jun leaned over and pointed at (y/n)s butt

  "No, because I'm not gonna get up and dance" (y/n) grabbed Juns hand and held it

  "What about if someone spills a drink on you? Do you have an undershirt?" Jun furrowed his eyebrows more and held (y/n)s hand tightly

  "Don't worry, I'll be careful" (y/n) stepped close to Jun, standing on his tippy toes and giving him a kiss

Jun sighed, his eyebrows relaxing as he moved his hands to (y/n)s hips, "if anything happens, you need to call me immediately"

"I will, now let's get going" (y/n) have Jun another kiss before walking away


Jun held onto (y/n)s wrist before he could get out of the car, "Be careful and don't be scared to punch someone" he said

"I know" (y/n) whined

Jun let go of (y/n)s wrist and watched as he walked to BTS, giving small hugs before he saw Taehyung put his arms around his waist as they walked into the club


  "You look nice tonight" Hoseok said to (y/n)

  "Thank you, you do too" (y/n) said back to Hoseok, giving him a pat on the back


  They all walked to the back corner of the club and sat in a large booth and talked as drinks started coming in. Soon enough they were all drunk besides Seokjin and Namjoon, the designated drivers. They both had a few drinks but not enough to make them drunk but maybe a little tipsy

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