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  (y/n) sighed heavily and held his hands together to stop the shaking. He sat down in the chair next to Young-mi as other people started piling into the room, including multiple news crews and reporters.


  "Local news: Big Hit model, (y/n), seen in court for suspected sexual harassment from CEO of (company) and also his father, Doho. Our crew was unfortunately led out of the court room when the session started so we weren't able to get any footage. We will update you all once we get more information and/or footage" The woman on the tv said, multiple pictures on (y/n) walking into the courthouse and into the courtroom, before switching onto another topic

  The group stared at the tv in shock. Jungkook and Yoongi put their hand over their mouths when the announcement was over.

  "What do we even say about this..." Namjoon said and put his head in his hands

  "First question is why didnt he tell us?" Jungkook asked, removing his hand from his face


  Young-mi handed a mouth mask to (y/n), "Si hyuk doesnt want pictures of you by the media, put it on"

  (y/n) nodded begore putting on the mask, "how much of them are out there?" (y/n) looked at Young-mi

  "Im not sure, we have extra officers just in case" she watched 2 of then walking towrads her and (y/n)

  "Remember, dont stop walking, dont answer any questions" the taller officer said to (y/n) sternly

  (y/n) nodded, "I know the procedure"

  "This isnt something like the airport, this is more serious" The tall officer spat at (y/n)

  Young-mi looked at the officer in anger, "You think you can talk to him like that? Fuck no. He's been in large crowds before. He knows what to do, he may seem like a child sometimes but he knows what should be taken seriously"

  The officer hunched down a bit, "Y-yes ma'am" they both walked off, the tall officer getting a hit on the back of the head from his partner


  (y/n) felt himself being pulled and pushed by the officers as people crowded around then, asking non-stop questions. His head started hurting from all of the quesitons and he rushed more to get to the car.


  Young-mi pushed through the crowd after (y/n). When getting to the car she sat next to him, "Geez, what a long day..." She sighed, rubbing her head

  "How do people catch onto that stuff that fast?" (y/n) pouted slightly while putting on his seat belt

  "Who knows, It's the media" Young-mi shrugged


  (y/n) opened the door to Seokjin tapping his foot and the rest of the group on the couch, "Oh uh hi?" (y/n) already knew what was going to happen

  "Why dont you tell us anything?" Seokjin asked quietly but the anger prominent in his voice

  "I didnt want you guys to wo-" (y/n) got cut off

  "Stop!" Seokjin yelled, "Youre always saying "I didnt want you to worry". What if we want to worry? We care about you (y/n)! How much times do I have to say it to make it stick in your head?"

  (y/n) hung his head, "Sorry" he said quietly

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