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  The banging continued as (y/n) covered his head with his blanket, growing a headache, "Shut your skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone post malone friend zone sylvester stallone hydrocortisone sierra Leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass up!" (y/n) yelled and the banging stopped for a moment then kept going

  "(y/n) open up or Im unhinging your door" Young-mi yelled from the other side

  "Fine, but only you can come in" (y/n) said while getting up from the comfort of his bed, back aching slightly from laying down for too long

  He walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it. Young-mi felt herself get pulled into the room before hearing the door slam and a rushed click from the lock

  "Whats going on?" She looked at (y/n) in worry as he leaned his forehead on the door

  "I just dont want to see them right now, I dont really want to see anyone" (y/n) moved his head from the door and rubbed his arm

  "(y/n), they're worried about you, they still are, probably more than when you left. I get you want to be alone but sometimes being alone isnt always the right thing to do, maybe talking it out with them and hanging out after their practice will help better than locking yourself in your room" (y/n) stared at his manager in awe

  "Since when did you start caring so much?" (y/n) hung his head

  "Aish you-" she was about to slap the back of (y/n)s head but before she could he looked up, tears rolling down his face

  Young-mi held out her arms, "come here"

  (y/n) hugged her for a few seconds before breaking away, wiping his tears

  She ruffled his hair, "Now stop being a bum and get ready, lets go hang out for the day"

  "But I dont want to" (y/n) whined

  "And I dont care" Young-mi mocked his whining voice


  An hour later, (y/n) walked out of his room in black pants, a white turtle neck, and a light grey business casual jacket. Young-mi whistled when he walked out, "Man really wish I wasn-" Young-mi got cut off by (y/n)

  "We cant say that yet Young-mi! The readers cant know yet!" (y/n) covered her mouth

  Young-mi removed his hands, "right sorry" she straighted out her clothes, "ready for some shopping?" She smiled at the young male

  "Yup" he smiled back at her and they both walked out


  "My social media has been blowing up lately, like BIG time, I'm getting more comments on my new posts than likes on my older posts" (y/n) sighed, a cartoon tear drop going down his fac

  "What I did is just turn off the apps notifications" Young-mi shrugged while sipping her drink

  "But I like reading the comments" (y/n) furrowed his eyebrows

  "Just because you turn off the notifications doesnt mean you cant read comments" Young-mi massaged her temples

  "I know but sometimes I just dont want to open up the actual app so I just read it from the notifica-" Young-mi grabbed his phone, giving it back a minute later

  "There. Notifications are off" she sighed deeply

  "Uhm thanks?" He looked at his phone for a moment before turning it off


  @ odd(y/n) After all  1, 626, 857 likes  23, 011 comments

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  @ odd(y/n) After all
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