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Young-mi looked over at (y/n) when he opened the car door, "Why did you want to stay over again?" She asked, annoyed as it was 2 am

"I dont want to be around the group right now, I kinda got yelled at" (y/n) sighed throwing his bag into the backseat and buckling his seatbelt

"And you think sneaking out at..." She paused to look at the time, "2:17 am is gonna help?"

"I left a note explaining everything" (y/n) shrugged as Young-mi started driving

"Its not going to help anything" Young-mi glanced at (y/n)

(y/n) sighed, "I know, It's just... A lot happened this week..."

"I get it. I can talk to Si-hyuk about you getting your own apartment" Young-mi heard (y/n) let out a loud cough

"I didnt say I wanted to move out" (y/n) said with annoyance in his voice

"Sorry, sorry, youre just making it sound like you want to" Young-mi glanced at (y/n) again with concern


"How will I avoid them at the main building?" (y/n) asked after eating some toast

"We can get there before or after, you dont really have to go into the building this week though, just a few meetings and shoots" Young-mi shrugged taking a sip of her coffee

"Ugh why did I have to join Big Hit?" (y/n) rubbed his face

"Because you chose to????" Young-mi put on a confused face

"Ok you know what you can shut the fuck up" (y/n) pointed a finger at Young-mi

"Oi I'm older than you, you should be respecting me" (y/n) put his finger down after she said that

- a few weeks later

(y/n) looked around the empty apartment before walking in, not wanting to see the group just yet.

While sneaking close to the wall, Jungkook and Seokjin came into view, "(y/n)..." Seokjin said, anger prominent in his voice while switching on the light

(y/n) stopped in his tracks and turned slowly towards the two, "Oh. Um, hi?" He said awkwardly

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asked crossing his arms

"Young-mi's house..." (y/n) started fidgeting with his bag while looking down

"Why?" Jungkook continued asking questions

"I-I was mad" (y/n) felt his heart speeding up, his hands started shaking. He started tapping his foot lightly while his breath started becoming ragged

"Why didnt you tell us?!" Seokjin suddenly burst out

(y/n) snapped and tears started running down his face, "You always yell at me! All of you! Im not a fucking child, I know youre all older than me but that doesnt mean I need to be babied! I can make my own decisions!" (y/n) let out his frustrations

Jungkook and Seokjin looked at each other, "(y/n)..." Seokjin said softly taking a step forward

"Dont come near me!" (y/n) snapped his head up, letting Seokjin get a look at his red puffy eyes and tears streaming down his face. There was too much pressure on his shoulders and he finally snapped, the weight being too much

Seokjin stopped walking and felt guilt hit him. Footsteps were heard and the other members came rushing into the room.

"Whats happening?!" Hoseok asked before spotting (y/n)

(y/n) got up before anyone said anything else. He grabbed his bags and pushed past everyone while wiping his tears.

After slamming his door and flopped on his bed. He cried for who knows how long before sleep consumed him


"(y/n)?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the door

(y/n) didnt respond, he opened his eyes, swollen from crying. He felt the tiredness of crying and could barely keep his eyes open, the soft knocks cradling him back to sleep


"He wont answer and his door is locked" a deep, muffled voice was heard, waking up (y/n) again

"You dont have a key?" A female voice came

"No, we didnt want to do that, he also needs his privacy" the deep voice sounded again

There was a few moments of silence before there was banging at his door, "OPEN THE FUCK UP" (y/n) recognised the voice, it being Young-mis

"How about you shut the fuck up?" (y/n) called back weakly

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