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"And then I slapped him!" (y/n) slammed his head on the table

"He damn well deserves it if he played you like that!" Young-mi yelled making people in the café look at them

(y/n) lifted his head and pulled up his mask more, "Can you be a bit quieter?" (y/n) whispered

Young-mi was about to say something before she saw 7 familiar eye sets, "Um we should go. Now." Young-mi grabbed (y/n)s arm and started dragging him out of the café and away from the group

"Wait what about my drink?" (y/n) whined

Young-mi looked back and saw the group following them, "Wanna go look at clothes? Lets look at clothes" she didnt let (y/n) answer and brought him into a clothes store

"But I dont need more clothes" (y/n) furrowed his eyebrows

"Yeah but I think" Young-mi started grabbing different clothes and throwing them to (y/n), "You should TRY these ON because they SUITE you" with every word emphasized she motioned her head to the outside

(y/n) glanced over and saw the group, "Yeah I think thats a good idea" (y/n) rushed over to the changing rooms


"They went in there" Yoongi pointed at the red sweater being piled with clothes

The group walked over to the store, seeing (y/n) look at them before turning away and going around a corner, "he went into the changing rooms" Hoseok said


"You didnt get any right size" (y/n) came out of the changing room in a tight shirt with a deadpanned face

Young-mi whistled, "future husband is lucky" she said

"Y'know you can stop saying that kind of stuff now" (y/n) went back into the changing room

Young-mi hears footsteps coming in and went upto the door, "Theyre here" she whispered before going into a different changing room

(y/n)s heart dropped and he started changing into his normal clothes, "(y/n)?" He heard one of the members call his name

"Call him" Seokjin whispered to Taehyung when he saw the black shoes moving from under one of the doors

Taehyung took out his phone, going to (y/n)s contact and calling him. From the stall with the black shoes, Growl by EXO started playing, "(y/n) come out" Seokjin said, the rest of the group crowding around the door

"Um, who? I dont know (y/n) Im Janghoon" a voice came from the stall

"(y/n) please, we need to talk" Jungkook pleaded

"I dont want to talk to you" (y/n) growled

"Guys, lets just leave him alone" Namjoon put his arm on Jungkooks shoulder, "We'll wait for you in the apartment"

(y/n) heard their footsteps leaving and waited to heard the distant door close before piling all the clothes on his arm and walking out, "do you wanna sleep at my place tonight?" Young-mi asked with care

"No, I'll talk it out with him" (y/n) frowned, "maybe he doesnt even remember, he was drunk after all" he continued while putting away his clothes

"Are you sure?" Young-mi asked

"Yes mmooommm, I'll be fine" (y/n) smiled at her before holding out his arm, "lets go shop"

Young-mi gave a small smile back and hooked her arm with his, "fine then, but if he hurts you I will castrate him" Young-mi said before giving a wider smile and started walking, dragging (y/n) along while he processed what she said


(y/n) walked into the apartment quietly and took off his shoes. He went to his room and opened his door only to see the group standing or sitting around his room, "Jesus f-" before he could finish the sentance Seokjin gave him a glare, "Christ our lord and savior amen am I right?" He started nervously laughing while rubbing the back of his neck

"Come on, sit" Seokjin said as the group started sitting on the floor and forming a circle

"I was hoping we could talk tomorrow" (y/n) sat next to Taehyung and Namjoon

"The sooner the better cause I dont want breakfast to be awkward tomorrow" Seokjin said while sitting down

"So... We heard what Jungkook did..." Jimin said after a few moments of silence

"Y-you remember?" (y/n) looked at Jungkook

"Yeah... A-and I'll do anything to make it up! I'm so sorry (y/n) I really am! I-I'll take you out shopping, I'll bring you your food every morning, I'll-" Jungkook got cut off by Yoongi

"Ok we get it Kook" Yoongi rolled his eyes

"I get if you avoid me, and I deserved that slap, I shouldn't of went in your personal space like that" Jungkook kept ranting

"Ok Kook you can stop now" Seokjin put a hand on Jungkooks shoulder, "we all want to apologize for how we've treated you... Especially me..." He mumbled the last part

"Guys really its oka-" (y/n) started but felt a hand go over his mouth and looked over at Taehyung

"No, (y/n), Its not okay, you were right, we treat you too much like a child" he coughed loudly and glanced at Seokjin before continuing, "But if you go anywhere please tell us"

"If you started telling us where you are and/or where youre going we'll tell you also" Namjoon smiled at the smaller

"Fine, but you have to promise not to yell at me anymore" (y/n) pouted slightly

"Fine, if we yell at you, you can yell at us" Hoseok added in, "anything we do to you, you can do to us"

(y/n) smiled a bit, "It sounds like we're starting our own government" he laughed a little

Some of the group members laughed, "I guess, but its all fair game" Taehyung said and wrapped an arm around (y/n)s neck

After a while of talking some more the group members made their way out and to their rooms. (y/n) saw Jungkook still sitting on the floor, "About that night-" Jungkook got cut off by (y/n)

"Its okay, I want to talk to you about that also" (y/n) looked at the suprised and worried face of Jungkook

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