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  (y/n) put on his normal clothes back on after the show and sighed as he walked out, being met a spectator of the runway show sitting on the small couch

  "You looked good in those clothes" the person said before starting his walk over to (y/n), stopping a few feet infront of him

  "Ah thank you" (y/n) bowed, giving a small smile

  "Oh I havent introduced myself, I'm Choi Jin-kyu, I'm the ambassador of (company)" the man said and help out his hand

  (y/n) took his hand in Jinkyus and shook it, "nice to meet you, Im Park Hae-jin but just call me (y/n)"

  "Ive talked with your manager and we made an arrangement for you to do a photoshoot with a few of our new items and to meet the owner of our company. Your manager will give you more details I hope" Jinkyu paused to look at his watch, "I have to go now, it was nice meeting you"

  (y/n) nodded, "It was nice meeting you also" he waved to Jinkyu as he left


  (y/n) opened the door and yawned while taking off his shoes before walking to his room and flopping on the bed, "Finally I can sleep in my own bed" he mumbled to himself, getting up and getting ready for bed

  The next morning, (y/n) woke up to the smell of burnt food and yelling. He got up and opened the door to be met by Seokjin opening his door also. Theirs eyes met before they both started rushing to the kitchen.

  "What the hell?!" Seokjin yelled when he saw Hoseok and Yoongi fighting over a pan, Taehyung yelling at them as he threw water onto the burning food, and Jimin slipping on an egg yolk on the ground

  "I told them to just call in food" Namjoon said, sitting on the couch, playing games on his phone

  Seokjin stomped to the kitchen and grabbed the pan being fought over and threw all of the others with the burning food into the sink, "Out! Now!" Seokjin yelled while pointing to the living room

  Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung hung their heads and went to sit over with Namjoon, "So thats what you have to deal with?" (y/n) laughed and went over with the others when he got a text from an unknown number

  (y/n) looked at it confused before opening it up:

  xxxx-xxxx: Is this (y/n)?

  (y/n): Yes, who are you?

  xxxx-xxxx: May I call you?

  (y/n): We can easily talk over text

  xxxx-xxxx: My boss would like to hear your voice

  (y/n): ...Sure then....?

  Right after (y/n) sent that text the number popped up on his screen with signalling someone was calling.

  "Hello?" (y/n) asked making everyone look at him

  @ odd(y/n) good to go   46, 193k likes   832 comments

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  @ odd(y/n) good to go
  46, 193k likes

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