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(y/n) yawned and looked at the time. 6 AM. He stared at the clock in disbelief, "I woke up early by myself?"

"No I just kept poking you till you started to wake up" Young-mi said, making (y/n)

"What the-"

"No time, start getting ready" Young-mi threw clothes at him


(y/n) yawned when he got home and sat on the couch. Seokjin walked in holding two cups of tea, "you seem kind of stressed" he said sitting down next to (y/n), handing him the cup in his right hand

"Yeah, there's been a lot of meetings lately because of my break" (y/n) bowed his head in thanks and took a sip of the tea, "What about you? You dont seem too good either"

Seokjin did a small chuckle before speaking,"We're getting ready for our comeback, per usual all the members are stressed and we dont have much time to do anything"

"Oh, maybe I could ask Bang pd-nim to give you guys a day off to relax" (y/n) took another sip of the tea

"I dont think you could get Namjoon, Yoongi, or Hoseok away from their studios" Seokjin smiled

"Then I'll just drag them out" (y/n) rolled his eyes

Seokjin laughed, "You could try, now get some sleep you look tired"

"Yeah well at least I dont have bags under my eyes" (y/n) ran off laughing

Seokjin screeched, "I HAVE WHAT" he immediately took out his phone and looked at his reflection on the blank screen, seeing nothing under his eyes, "(Y/N)" he yelled and stomped to the small males room

(y/n)s laughter was heard from the other side of the door as Seokjin hit it with his fists, "Open up now!"

"No!" (y/n) laughed


(y/n) woke up just as Young-mi opened the door, "HAH" He laughed in his morning voice while pointing a finger at his manager

"Damn it" she stomped her foot


(y/n) walked out of the Big Hit building smiling while getting into the car, "What are you so happy about?" Young-mi asked

"Nothing" (y/n) kept smiling

Young-mi gasped, "did you finally get laid?" She put a hand over her mouth

"Wh- no I just got the group the weekend off" (y/n) stared at her weirdly

"Damn I really thought you-" Young-mi got cut off by (y/n)

"You dont have to finish that sentance" (y/n) put his hand infront of her face


(y/n) walked into the apartment and looked around for the members before looking at the time, "They should be home..." He whispered to himself

After looking around the house for a few minutes he found a note saying they went to dinner, "Oh ok" he sighed before going upto his room and started getting ready for bed


While drifting off, (y/n) heard the front door open and loud talking. He yawned before getting up and opening his bedroom door to see the group laughing and stumbling around

"Omg (y/n)! You look so cuuutteee" Jungkook slurred seeing (y/n) halfway out his door

"I- you guys drank too much, go take showers" (y/n) went back into his room before closing the door with a long sigh

When he was walking back to his bed, (y/n) heard his door open and turned around to see Jungkook, "I told you to take a shower" (y/n) crossed his arms

"I wont unless you join me~" Jungkook slurred

(y/n)s face went fire red at the comment, "I- I- But you- I dont think-" he stuttered before stopping

"Then let me sleep here" Jungkook started walking forward

"I dont think thats good either..." (y/n) said as he walked back, "I um, I dont want to smell like alcohol in the morning" (y/n) said while he continued to walk backward

Jungkook smirked when (y/n) hit the wall and looked back at the maknae panicked, "I dont smell like alcohol~" Jungkook slammed his hand next to (y/n)s head

"I- Yo-you k- y-" (y/n) stuttered before looking down

"I what?" Jungkook smiled and used his other hand to lift (y/n)s head up

"Y-you d- you do-o sme-smell like alcohol" (y/n) blushed more

Jungkook leaned in, their lips centimeters apart. (y/n) felt his heart skip a beat before Jungkook moved away and started making his way to the door, "fine then, I'll take a shower" Jungkook waved off (y/n)

(y/n) watched Jungkook walk out of the room and close the door before sliding down the wall and staring at his shaking hands, "Im so fucking stupid..." (y/n) said before tears started streaming down his face

He grabbed his phone before dialing Taeil, "(y/n) whats up?" His voice rang through the phone


(y/n) woke up with a headache and his eyes swollen. Memories from the night before came flooding in but he kept himself from crying.


(y/n) walked out of his room wearing a red oversized sweater and black pants. He pulled out his phone when he saw the group and dialed Young-mi's number when Jungkook started walking over

"(y/n)? Whatcha need?" Young-mi asked

"Cameos" (y/n) said making the members confused

"Ok, Im coming over, go outside" Young-mi said before hanging up

(y/n) put his phone in his pocket before walking over to the door and putting on a pair of black shoes, "Where are you going?" Namjoon asked

"Somewhere" (y/n) replied, annoyance in his voice

"Hey whats wro-" Jungkook got cut off after he put his hand on (y/n)s shoulder

"Dont touch me!" (y/n) yelled and slapped Jungkook

Jungkook held his face as the others looked at (y/n) suprised. (y/n) turned back around and rushed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

 (y/n) turned back around and rushed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him

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