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  "Why didnt you tell us sooner?" Youngmi asked when (y/n) got close enough for him to hear her

  "I didnt want to bother anyone with it" (y/n) hung his head, "im sorry"

  "(y/n), some things that happen or you do, wont bother people, you need to stop worrying about that" Youngmi brought up (y/n)s head and hugged him, "especially when someone is doing what that person was doing"

  (y/n) hugged her back and clenched her shirt as he held back tears, "will I get in trouble?" He shakily asked

  "If you do I will fight against them and make sure you get no consequences because if you do that is complete bullshit, youre the victim here, not that pervert" Youngmi pulled away from the hug but kept an arm around (y/n)s shoulder, "lets bring you home"

  The ride back to the apartment was silent as (y/n) looked out the window, getting worried glances from Youngmi time to time

  When they finally got back to the apartment, (y/n) bowed to Youngmi before closing the door behind him and walking into the building.


  The group got home around 10 PM and saw (y/n) sound asleep on the couch. They looked at each other noticing the tear stained face.

  "I'll bring him up" Jungkook said before setting down his bag at the door and walking over to (y/n). He picked him up gently and brought him to his room, setting the sleeping boy on his bed before walking out quietly.

  They talked a little more before going to their rooms, going their nightly routine, and then going to bed.

@ odd(y/n) hungry 47, 160k likes 881 comments

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@ odd(y/n) hungry
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