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  Si Hyuk sat in his chair staring at Doho, "I dont like these clothes" he said, glancing at the pictures

  Doho sighed, "Yes I know but-"

  "I told you all of the rules, gave you a copy of them, and emailed them to you" Si Hyuks face tightened in anger

  "Sir, yes, I know but-" Doho furrowed his eyebrows after getting cut off again

  "Im cutting the contract, (y/n) and Young-mi are on their way now. How dare you humiliate my model like that!" Si Hyuk slammed his hands onto his desk, making fear flash into Doho for a second

  "I know... I messed up... Im very sorry sir" Doho hung his head

  "Not only that..." Si Hyuk walked over and looked out the window behind his desk [dramatically], "I have the secret recordings and audios from the cameras and microphones I had him wear, dont try to use any excuse, Ive already sent them to authorities"

  Dohos eyes widdened and he snapped his head up, "Sir, please, I didnt mean to"

  "Then what the hell did you mean to do?!" Si Hyuk yelled, turning around sharply, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Si Hyuk looked at Doho with disgust

  Doho hung his head again, "Dont act all innocent, dont put an act on infront of me, I know your true colors" Si Hyuk said before there was a knock at the door and Young-mi and (y/n) walked in

  (y/n) tensed when he saw Doho look at him, Si Hyuk growled before he cleared his throat remembering the two guests, "(y/n)... I'm canceling the contract, I knew something was wrong"

  (y/n) continued staring at the ground, "Thank you so much" he said looking up, tears brimming his eyes


  (y/n) watched as the officer pushed Doho to duck into the car. He watched Doho stare at him until the he was out of sight, "It feels like 50 pound weights have been released from my ankles and shoulders" (y/n) said, rubbing his temples

  Young-mi smiled, "Thats good to hear, Si Hyuk still wants to have a talk about why you didnt tell us" she said as cross-popping veins showed up on her head

  (y/n) did a fake yawn before looking at the time and acting shocked, "Oh well you look at the time! I better be going, y'know, models need their beauty sleep" (y/n) said before starting to walk off

  Young-mi grabbed his hood and started dragging him to the elevator, "Its only 11 am. Your acting skills are horrible by the way, you Nickelodeon reject"

 Your acting skills are horrible by the way, you Nickelodeon reject"

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@ odd(y/n) happy ×8
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