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They slowly walked over to the café but stopped when Jimin read the sign on the door, "Its closed..." He sighed, making everyone groaned and Yoongi pointed at a bench and started walking over, the rest following.

Yoongi laid on one of the benches and turned towards the trees. (y/n) laughed and sat on the one next to it. Jimin sat next to him along with Namjoon but he soon got pulled away and sat on the other bench by Seokjin.

Taehyung sat on the other side of (y/n) and leaned his head on his shoulder. The smaller male looked at him and saw him shiver slightly, "You cold?" (y/n) asked

Taehyung nodded slightly and (y/n) took off his coat and wrapped it around Taehyung. Taehyung snuggled up towards (y/n) more and smiled.

(y/n) then started shivering but didnt say anything and looked down at his phone, his hands shaking slightly.

Taehyung looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows, "Sorry, I was being over dramatic..." He said and handed (y/n) his coat back

"No no, you can use it" (y/n) said, not noticing everyone looking at the two

Taehyung frowned and grabbed (y/n)s arm, making him wear the coat. (y/n) looked at him suprised but then rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face.

Taehyung leaned on (y/n) again after everyone looked back at their phones. Jimin then leaned on (y/n)s other side, trapping him in between the two.

After another hour (y/n) looked at the two sleeping figures on his sides. He slowly and quietly snuck out from between them, laying them down on each others shoulders.

He signaled to Namjoon that he was going somewhere, getting a nod in return. Looking around before starting his walk around the town.

Seeing a small café open, he walked over and opened the door, instantly feeling the warmness of the small room. Walking in he saw a handsome guy at the counter.

"Out late tonight" The person said stopping what he was doing and looked up to (y/n)

"Yeah, car broke down" he sighed going up to the counter

"What can I get ya?" He asked, looking into (y/n)s eyes

(y/n) glaced at him and blushed a bit luckily being hidden by the mask, "Uh, can I get 7 hot chocolates, and uhm..." He looked at the pastries, "and 7 muffins" he finished taking out his wallet

"Might be a little" the guy said taking the money handed to him and giving back the change

(y/n) nodded and went over to one of the tables and was about to take a seat but got a text from Namjoon, "Uh do you mind if I bring in some friends?" (y/n) asked pointing to the door

"Not at all" the worker said with a smile and watched the smaller walk out before beginning to make the drinks, dropping something into one of the cups and putting a small mark on it.

A few minutes later (y/n) came back with the rest of the group. They all sighed and sat in the chairs taking in the warmth.

"Just in time" the guy smiled handing (y/n) two trays of cups, "by the way, whats your name?"

(y/n) froze at the question and hesitated, "uhm, Jang-hoon" he lied

"Nice to meet you, Jang-hoon. You can call me Sora" he held out his hand and (y/n) took it in his and shook it

"Nice to meet you Sora" (y/n) smiled and bowed

"I uhm made an extra hot chocolate so you can just have it, I don't want it to go to waste" Sora said and handed (y/n) the drink with the mark

"Oh thank you very much" (y/n) bowed taking the extra drink

"Dont worry about it" Sora smiled again

(y/n) brought the drinks and muffins to the group and looked at his drink before pulling down his mask a little to take a drink.

They stayed in the café for awhile, talking to each other. (y/n) looked around, feeling dizzy, his vision blurring as he grabbed his head.

Seokjin looked at (y/n) and put his hand on his shoulder, "You alright?" He asked making the attention go onto (y/n)

"Yeah... Just... Feeling a bit unwell..." (y/n) said while massaging his temples and blinking harshly

"Are you sure?" Seokjin moved his hat to feel his forehead

(y/n) fell to the side unconscious and Hoseok immediately stood up and went over to Sora, "What the hell did you put in his drink?" He said angrily

"Nothing!" Sora put his hands up

@ odd(y/n) Model min-min 64,256k likes1035 comments

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@ odd(y/n) Model min-min

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