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  "Yah! (y/n) wake up!" (y/n) opened his eyes to see Young-mi

  "What?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes

  "We have things to do" Young-mi went into his closet to pick out clothes

  "Whyyy" (y/n) groaned and thrashed around on his bed

  "Because one of the stylists is out and asked me to get you some clothes for the next shoot, the store we're shopping at knows we're coming" She threw some clothes at him

  "Are you my mom now? Waking me up and picking out my clothes?" (y/n) asked sitting up and yawning

  "Im just doing it cause I know you won't, now go get ready unless you want me to wash you too" Young-mi walked out of (y/n)s room and closed the door


  (y/n) walked out of his room in a white button up and a dark blue velvet suit, "Where are we going exactly?" He asked while brushing off his jacket

  "(Company)" Young-mi replied going over to the door and putting on her shoes

  (y/n) nodded and put on his shoes after her


  (y/n) looked out the window while pulling upto the mall, seeing a crowd of people and officers making a pathway, "Why do I have so much fans? Im just a model" (y/n) asked, still looking out the window

  "Yeah, the first model for Big Hit that lives with the biggest boy group in the world, totally wouldnt make you famous at all" Young-mi rolled her eyes

  "Well still, Im just modeling some clothes" (y/n) shrugged

  "Yeah, a very good looking male wont get attention" Young-mi rolled her eyes again, "You know what to do"

  (y/n) put on a mouth mask, feeling the crushing anxiety take him over before getting ready to step out of the vehicle, "I think this would be much better if one of the other staff members did this and not me, I dont want to disrupt the other shop owners"

  "All the other people know youre coming, and the tailors want you to try on the clothes" Young-mi looked at the security guards getting out of the car

  "Still it would be much easier if they came to m-" (y/n) got cut off by the loud screams from girls and guys as the door opened

  After a few moments of waiting, (y/n) stepped out of the car, putting his head down a bit more as the guards led him through the crowd

  The guards led him through the mall to (company) and locked the doors after closing them. (y/n) heard a small squeal and looked over at the workers to see them silently fangirling

  (y/n) bowed at them before looking over at Young-mi.


  The small group of guards, (y/n), and Young-mi followed the workers to the back and saw a camera crew, "Forgot to tell you, Si-hyuk wanted to start a show on you" Young-mi said while people were getting the set ready

  "How the hell do you forget to tell me that?!" (y/n) snapped his head in her direction

  Young-mi shrugged before going ober and sitting down on one of the small sofas, "You know you are the most lazy manager" (y/n) said and put his hands on his hips

  "Thank you" Young-mi help out her water bottle to (y/n) before taking a drink

  (y/n) rolled his eyes before walking over to the tailors


  Young-mi eyed the tailors as they measured (y/n).

  After a few more minutes, (y/n) walked over and smirked, "See someone you like?" He teased

  Young-mi blinked a few times before looking at (y/n), "W-what no! I- they were just being a bit too touchy" Young-mi looked away with a pink tint to her face

  "Theyre tailors. They measure peoples bodies." (y/n) crossed his arms

  "They are also fangirls, remember how they reacted at the door?" Young-mi raised her eyebrows and pointed a finger at the young male

  (y/n) pouted, "Well at least im not-" he got cut off by someone yelling something

  "Time to work" Young-mi moved her finger to point at the tailors

  (y/n) rolled his eyes before walking back over to his spot


  Young-mi looked over at the workers talking to (y/n). He shook his head before bowing and starting to walk away before one of them grabbed his wrist and held out their phone to him. He shook his head again and held out his hands but they urged him and talked to him more.

  Young-mi walked over and grabbed the girls wrist that was holding onto (y/n), "We have a schedule to get to, please let go of him"

  The girl looked at Young-mi, "But I just want his number! Y'know we're gonna be working together so I should have it!" she slammed her phone to (y/n)s chest

  A guard came over along with the owner of the store, "What is going on here?" The owner looked at the worker and pointed at her, signaling the guard to grab her, "This is unprofessional! How dare you treat our client like that!"


  (y/n) sighed when getting back home, "What a long day" he said

  "Get some sleep, we have a meeting tomorrow" Young-mi said before walking out the front door

  She laughed when she heard a loud groan come from the other side of the door

  She laughed when she heard a loud groan come from the other side of the door

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@ odd(y/n) shower
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