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  (y/n) woke up and yawned feeling a tightness around his waist and something hot against his back. He turned his head as much as he could and looked to see Jungkook laying there with him. His heart started to race, trying to remember when he got there but couldnt remember anything from last night with his head pounding from the alcohol he drank.

  "Morning" Jungkook said in a gruff voice, bringing one of his hands to rub his eyes

  "What... When..." (y/n) moved away from Jungkooks arms

  Jungkook whimpered but gave (y/n) his distance, "I just remember feeling lonely so I came here, Im sorry..." He said as he hung his head

  (y/n) rubbed his temples, "If you get me an Aspirin and some tea youre forgivin" he said trying to sooth his headache

  Jungkook nodded and got up, getting Aspirins for (y/n) and himself, taking his before bringing up a cup of tea for (y/n) and a glass of water. (y/n) nodded in thanks and downed the water with the Aspirin.

  "So... Why did you come into my room again?" (y/n) asked, waiting for the Aspirin to kick in

  "I was feeling lonely" Jungkook admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck

  "You couldve at least woken me up" (y/n) took a sip of the tea before looking at Jungkook, causing the male to apologize again

  "Didnt you bring me my tea and Aspirin?" (y/n) asked

  Jungkook nodded and looked at the smaller confused, "Uh yeah"

  "Didnt I say Id forgive you if you brought them?"

Jungkooks ears perked up, "Yeah!"

  "Then I forgive you" (y/n) said with a smile

  "Thank you!" Jungkook hugged (y/n)

  "Yeah yeah keep it down" (y/n) winced and hugged the other male back

  The morning went slowly, groans were heard throughout the apartment as everyone woke up, "I told you guys to go to bed" Namjoon scoffed and took a sip of coffee

  "Yeah yeah" Yoongi said and slapped Namjoons arm lightly

  "Damnit we have practice today" Taehyung groaned

  "Language!" Seokjin flicked Taehyungs forehead making the younger groan again out of pain

  "I have a schedule also, Im gonna be gone for a few days, I have a show to walk" (y/n) said and looked at the others

  "Since when?" Jungkook asked

  "Im a model, Jungkook. Its what I do. I represent companies and brands that collab with Big Hit, future brands youre go-" (y/n) stopped and took a sip of his coffee

  "What were you going to say?" Jimin asked and looked at (y/n)

  "Nothing... Nothing..." (y/n) finished his tea and washed the cup

  "Tell us" Hoseok urged

  "I can't" (y/n) rushed away to get ready

  "Brands that we're going to collab with too" Namjoon rolled his eyes

  "How do you know?" Jimin asked Namjoon

  "Im the leader, what do you expect" Namjoon chuckled and followed (y/n), beginning to get ready

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