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A few months later

"The big day" Jun said, walking upto (y/n) smiling

"Yeah" (y/n) nervously laughed

"You look amazing" Jun smiled wider, wiping off nonexistent dust from (y/n)s shoulder

"Thank you" (y/n) said quietly, a blush going across his face, "BTS is here"

Jun growled lowly, "they are?"

"Yeah" (y/n) smiled up at Jun innocently

"Cool..." Jun said in an annoyed voice


(y/n) fidgeted with his hands, "dont worry (y/n), youre gonna do great" Young-mi reassured

"What if I mess up? What if I have a voice crack?" (y/n) looked at her

"Stop worrying so much, the more you worry the worse youre gonna do" Young-mi looked at (y/n) softly

(y/n) took deep breathes, calming himself down a bit


(y/n) licked his lips and put on a serious face, pushing away his emotions. He heard someone call "blackout" and walked on stage with his backup dancers, getting into formation.

(A/N) I will be using Taemin as songs and dances. Im not claiming them. All rights go to the choreographers and producers of this song. If you wish, I will remove the video(s) to avoid controversy and anger. Im also aware that BTS is from Big Hit and Taemin is from SM. I just love Taemin and his style so much I had to incorporate him somehow in this story. Stan Taemin. Stan SHINee.

Also can we just talk about his arms and shoulders 😩


When (y/n) finished the song he walked off stage during blackout, feeling a large rush.

"You did great (y/n)!" Young-mi yelled when (y/n) walked in, hugging him tightly

(y/n) smiled widely hugging her back


When (y/n) got home he looked for Jun, not seeing him after the show. He went to their bedroom and saw him laying down, playing games on his phone, looking like he just got out of the shower

"Oh so you did leave the show early" (y/n) sighed walking in

"I wasnt at the show for the whole time" Jun sat up slightly

(y/n) stood there, stunned, anger building up, "so you didnt see me perform?" He asked

"I did but then I left"

"Why?" (y/n) said, the anger being clear in his voice

"Because when you mentioned BTS I was angry, now you know how I feel" Jun looked at (y/n)

(y/n) looked at Jun like he was an alien, "So all that was for nothing? Preparing for over a year and the day I finally debut youre not there?" (y/n) said with a laugh

"It wasnt for nothing" Jun sat up more

"Then give me a better reason you didnt stay for my performance huh? Just because I said that my FRIENDS are watching you? Like what a bullshit reason to not congratulate your BOYFRIEND because youre fucking jealous" (y/n) started yelling at Jun,"I cant believe you."

Jun stood up, "Im sorry I see a group of people, boys at that, hitting on MY boyfriend all the time and sick of it"

"Theyre not hitting on me! When will that get through that thick skull of yours? I didnt even see them after the performance because they had to leave" (y/n) shook his head in disappointment, "I will never be able to understand your ego. When will you finally put others needs before yours?" (y/n) snarled

Jun didnt know what to say so he stayed quiet, looking down at (y/n)

"Thats what I thought" (y/n) looked at Jun up and down before turning around and leaving their room

(A/N) I was originally going to make it where Jun didnt stay for the performance but I didnt want you guys to hate him more 😅 Thats why the argument seems a bit intense


When Jun woke up (y/n) wasnt at the house. He looked around the whole house just incase. He sighed deeply and started getting ready


Jun walked into the building and walked to his dance studio, seeing if (y/n) was there. He opened the door to see no (y/n) and frowned as his small crew walked in and helped set up everything. (y/n) came in a little bit later, giving Jun a small glare


When practice was over (y/n) left quickly, heading to vocal practices. Jun sighed loudly, causing the workers to glace at him confused


Jun walked into their apartment a bit later then usual to avoid him and (y/n) getting there at the same time. When he walked in he put his shoes next to (y/n)s and listened closely to hear the younger, hearing muffled footsteps in their bedroom

As he walked to the room he noticed the door was cracked open and walked in, seeing (y/n) rushing around doing something, "what's wrong?" Jun asked

(y/n) glanced at Jun, "nothing" he continued rushing around but a bit slower

"Are you working on something?" Jun took off his coat

"Yes" (y/n) answered quietly

"What is it?" Jun asked another question

"Something" (y/n) sat down at his desk

Jun let out a frustrated sigh, "ok look I know I messed up but youre overreacting"

(y/n) didnt answer and kept working, "come on (y/n), I know you know you are"

(y/n) furrowed his eyebrows, "youre not making it any better"

"Can we please talk it out?" Jun walked over and leaned on the desk

(y/n) turned to look at Jun, "fine, how do we talk about this?" He said, dropping his pencil on the desk

"Lets both tell each other what bothered us the most"

"Fine, I'll go first" (y/n) intertwined his fingers, "I dont like the fact that you always get jealous over little things, like bts being at my performance"

Jun nodded his head slowly, "I... Im sorry..." He said lowly, "I dont like people touching whats mine"

(y/n) blushed slightly at his words, "I noticed" he said

"I'll go now... Sometimes I feel like you overreact"

"Then I'm sorry for that..." (y/n) rubbed the back of his neck

"Come on, get up" Jun said as he motioned his hands upward

(y/n) got up before feeling Jun hug him. He rested his head on the largers chest, wrapping his arms around him

"I love you" Jun said

"I-I love you too" (y/n) said back

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