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5 months later

'Big Hit model, (y/n), has finally spoken and has revealed the back story of the video of him dancing....' The screen cut to (y/n) sitting at a panel before standing up and speaking into a mic, 'There has been rumors about me becoming an idol...' He started, 'I have been thinking of it but not sure if I will go through with it.' He looked towards Sihyuk, getting a nod from the CEO before continuing, 'We will be hosting a poll online to gather fans opinions on whether or not I will become an idol' he bowed before sitting back down next to Young Mi

The group looked at the small TV in their dance studio, "Maybe he'll be at the building more so we can finally see him" Taehyung said excitedly while still panting slightly from dancing

"Thats all up for the fans to decide" Namjoon shrugged grabbing another bottle of water

Jungkook looked down at the floor, "I just really want to see him and tell him how sorry I am..." He said lowly

"We all do" Seokjin rubbed Jungkooks shoulder, "Nows not a time to be sad, lets get back to work" he got up and was followed by the rest of the group


(y/n) eyes started to hurt from all of the flashing cameras and started rubbing his eyes, "You okay?" Young Mi asked, putting her hand on (y/n)s back

(y/n) nodded slightly, "The flashing is giving me a headache" he said quietly

Young Mi pat (y/n)s shoulder before removing it and going into her purse and taking out a pair of sunglasses, mask, and hat, handing them to (y/n) under the table. (y/n) sighed and nodded slightly while taking them


Guards pushed people back as crazy fans and reporters tried to get to (y/n). One fan ended up grabbing his jacket and pulling him into the crowd slightly but was saved from a guard. He said thank you to the guard loud enough for them to hear through all the screaming and questions.

When they all finally reached the car, (y/n) let out a sigh while taking off the items on his face, "And I thought BTS' fans were bad" Sihyuk let out a small laugh, "Reporters will always be the worst"


BTS stood in the hallway looking around, waiting for the trio to get back. They heard faint footsteps before seeing 3 figures and a few guards.

"He said 'I got a Surpreme shirt' and I said 'That says Super Me'" Young Mi said and (y/n) and an unfamiliar person started laughing

"Whos that?" Hoseok asked the other members quietly

The rest shrugged before listening into the conversation again. (y/n) said something to Young Mi causing her to look at the younger before kicking up her leg making her sandal fly up and catching it mid-air. The fear in (y/n)s eyes grew before he started running and screaming.

The group watched as (y/n) passed them, "I HOPE YOU SLIP" Young Mi yelled while chasing him

(y/n) ended up slipping while trying to pass a corner and hit the wall with a loud thump, "SHIT" he yelled before sliding on the floor before running again

The other person was laughing while watching everything go down, walking slowly, stopping infront of BTS, "Youre that group right?" He asked, still laughing slightly

"Yeah, we're B-" Namjoon started but got cut off

"Yeah yeah Bacon Sodadam, I know" the guy waved them off before continuing walking

"Bacon sodadam..." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows lightly

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