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(A/N) Im changing up the rules a bit, Im making it to where idols have the weekends off because Im like that and they should have the weekends off

The group, Jun, and (y/n) talked for awhile, not noticing it was getting dark until (y/n) looked out the window, "Do you guys wanna stay for dinner?" He asked, getting up slowly

"If its okay with you" Namjoon shrugged

"Yeah its fine" (y/n) got a glare from Jun

"What do you guys want?" (y/n) asked, taking out his phone

"Ramen" Yoongi said smiling

(y/n) nodded, going into his room to call a restaurant to deliver ramen

Jun followed him in and quietly closed the door behind him, "Why are you letting them stay?" He whisper-yelled to (y/n)

"Why not?" (y/n) looked at Jun while dialing a restaurant

Jun growled, grabbing (y/n)s phone, hanging up the number and pinning the smaller to the wall, "what are you doing?" (y/n) looked up at Jun

"I dont want them to stay any longer" Jun said, jealousy laced in his voice

"Well this isnt your house" (y/n) furrowed his eyebrows, trying to get his wrists free

"Have you even noticed? Jungkook is staring at you and Hoseok is touchy with you. I dont like it" Jun tightened his grip on (y/n)s wrist

"What are you? Jealous?" (y/n) teased, smirking

"Youre gonna get it if you dont stop being a brat, I dont care if you're sore" Jun leaned into the side of (y/n)s face, saying everything in his ear

(y/n) shivered, "f-fine, tell them I started throwing up and cant eat" (y/n) turned away, a frown on his face but a deep blush spread across his face

Jun leaned back, smiling, "Good" he let go of (y/n)s wrists before leaving the room and telling the group that he was feeling worse


The next morning (y/n) woke up, feeling Jun hugging him from the back. He turned around and looked at Jun before leaning in and giving him a kiss, "Wake up, Godzilla" (y/n) gave him more kisses

Jun started stirring a few moments later but (y/n) still kissed him, "Wake uppp" the smaller whined, this time kissing Juns forehead

"5 more minutes" Jun said, hugging (y/n)s waist tighter to bring him forward

"No, we have to get up" (y/n) kissed the side of Juns neck multiple times

Jun let out a small moan and held (y/n) tighter, "Yah youre gonna break my back" (y/n) pouted

"Then I'll be able to spend more time with you" Jun smiled, his eyes still closed

"Please Jun" (y/n) looked at said male with puppy eyes

Jun opened his eyes and nearly melted at the sight of (y/n) with messy hair and looking at him cutely, "aishhhh fine" Jun gave in and let go of (y/n) before sitting up

"Victory!" (y/n) yelled while throwing his arms in the air

"Yeah yeah shut up" Jun rubbed his face

(y/n) gave Jun a quick peck before going over to the bathroom to take a shower, grabbing clothes in the process


When they were both finished getting ready, (y/n) was looking in his mirror. He saw Jun come up behind him and felt him get hugged from behind, "You look beautiful" Jun whispered in (y/n)s ear

"Yah stop calling me beautiful" (y/n) furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at Jun awkwardly

"I'm only speaking the truth, lets go" Jun removed one of his arms from (y/n)s waist before using his other arm to pull the younger towards the door


(y/n) layed on the dance studio floor, breathing hard, "Come on, one more time, the we'll leave" Jun tapped (y/n)s side with his foot

(y/n) groaned, getting up slowly, "Im still sore y'know" (y/n) glared at Jun

"Oh I know" Jun said with a smirk, getting ready to play the song again


(y/n) and Jun walked into (y/n)s house, the smaller flopping on the couch before taking a sip of water

"Can I move in?" Jun asked suddenly

(y/n) spit the water out, "w-what?" He looked at Jun surprised and confused

"Can I move in?" Jun asked again

"Why? Isnt it a bit early in our relationship?" (y/n) got up and went over to Jun

"I mean yeah but we work at the same place so it would be more convenient" Jun shrugged, putting his hands on (y/n)s waist

"I guess..." (y/n) rubbed the back of his neck

"Great! I have my bags packed, Ill move in tomorrow" Jun said, a big smile going across his face, he gave (y/n) a big kiss before going to, now, their room

(y/n) followed after him, "Im gonna take a shower, wanna join me?" Jun asked, looking at (y/n) as he took off his shirt

"Sure, it'll save water" (y/n) walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower, letting the water warm up as he stripped from his sweaty clothes

"I will never be able to get over your body" Jun said quietly, stripping also while staring at (y/n)

(y/n) blushed but stayed quiet. He tested the water for its warmth and stepped in slowly, Jun following behind.

As (y/n) started washing his hair, Jun stared at him, "what?" (y/n) asked, looking at Jun

"Admiring a piece of art" Jun said, grabbing the shampoo after (y/n)

(y/n) started laughing hard, getting a weird look from Jun, "Oh my god youre so cheesy" (y/n) continued laughing

"Im just trying to be romantic" Jun pouted

"Maybe try a little less harder" (y/n) said after he stopped laughing

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