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The Next Weekend

Jungkook knocked on the door and stood for a few minutes before (y/n) opened the door, "hey, come on in, Jun is almost done cooking" the smaller said with a pink tint to his cheeks

Jungkook smirked at (y/n) before walking in, taking off his shoes as he looked around, "did you change the place up?" He asked

"We just moved the furniture around a bit" (y/n) shrugged

Jungkook nodded a bit before seeing Jun walk out of the kitchen, "yo" Jun said, giving Jungkook a peace sign, "(y/n) can you help me with the food?"

(y/n) nodded and went into the kitchen and started carrying some bowls to the dining table. When they were done with that they all sat down and started eating

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" Jungkook asked after a few minutes

(y/n) stopped eating midway through a bite and looked at Jun, "well..." Jun said, rubbing the back of his head

Jungkook started getting nervous, thinking about the worst, "we um..." Jun let out a hesitant laugh, "we um want to have a threesome with you"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he stared at Jun, frozen, "I-it's okay if you don't wa-" (y/n) started but got cut off by Jungkook

"Of course! Uhm I mean yeah..." Jungkook's face became red

Jun looked at him with his eyebrows raised, "ok then... what time and day is best for you?"

"Anytime besides during the week, toda-tomorrow is fine... or next weekend..." Jungkook laughed nervously, not wanting to seem too desperate

"Saturday?" Jun looked at (y/n), the smaller giving him a small nod

"Saturday it is then, what time?" Jun looked back towards Jungkook

"Same time as today?" Jungkook glanced between Jun and (y/n)

The couple looked at each other, staring at each other before nodding and looking back at Jungkook, "then it's settled, next weekend at 6" Jun said with a mischievous smile

(y/n) sat there with a red face, slowly eating his noodles


The Next Weekend

Jun looked at the time, seeing it was 5:30, "ready?" He said, sitting next to (y/n) on the couch

(y/n) nodded slightly, "good" Jun said with a smile and wrapped his arm around the smallers waist

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door so Jun got up and walked over, opening the door and looked down at Jungkook, "there's a few rules I have before we start" Jun said to Jungkook as he walked in

Jungkook looked at Jun, "what are they?" He asked

"1. If it gets too much for him you need to stop, the code or "safe" word is red. If you don't stop I will make sure you won't be able to have children in the future. 2. No interfering. If I'm doing something you don't get in my way. 3. No hurting him to the point he's bleeding, if I even see a drop of his blood you'll see a lot more of your own. 4. Make sure hickeys aren't visible when he's wearing a shirt" Jun narrowed his eyes, "ok?"

Jungkook nodded and glanced at (y/n) sitting on the couch looking at them, "ready?" Jun asked both of them


skip to next chapter if you dont want to read

Once they all got upto the bedroom Jun pushed (y/n) down onto the bed and got on top of him, immediately going for his lips. Jungkook bit his lip as he watched the two make out, wishing he was in Juns place

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