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"Wow" Young-mi looked at (y/n) up and down, "If I were a guy I'd totally fuck you" she said with a straight face

"Young-mi!" (y/n) shrieked before blushing madly and covering his face

"Im just being honest" Young-mi put her hands in the air

"W-well Im a top so Id be the one doing the fucking" (y/n) pouted while still blushing

Young-mi processed what (y/n) had just said before bursting out laughing, "Whats so funny?" (y/n) furrowed his eyebrows

"You? A top? Pleeassse" she continued laughing as she waved her hand infront of her

"Yeah!" (y/n) stomped his foot

"You're a total bottom, (y/n)" she said as she wiped non-existent tears from the corner of her eyes

(y/n) blushed again before going back into his bathroom and changing into his normal clothes

"Dont let it get you down, imagine how good you would feel under a larger male with his d-" (y/n) covered her mouth while blushing

"Its not time for that part of the story yet Young-mi! We have to keep the readers waiting for a little more!" (y/n)s face was as red as a tomato at this point

"Fine. Fine. Youre right" Young-mi shrugged


Young-mi put her purse on her shoulder, "Remember we have a meeting tomorrow and you have to be fitted for more clothes on friday, Si-hyuk said you get saturday off"

(y/n) nodded and waved to her as she walked off down the hall. He sighed as he closed the door.

"What company are you guys talking about?" Seokjin asked, Mama Jin coming out

"Don't worry mom" (y/n) dragged on the 'mom' "everything is fine" he went back to his room, feeling the eyes of the group staring at his back

  "Don't worry mom" (y/n) dragged on the 'mom' "everything is fine" he went back to his room, feeling the eyes of the group staring at his back

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