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"Ah! Finally done!" (y/n) sighed walking out of the changing room and stretching his arms

"Geez, what took you so long?" Hoseok asked making (y/n) jump slightly

"I'm a model, my working days are usually full of modeling" (y/n) snorted and looked at the time on his phone, "have you guys been waiting?"

"Yeah, pretty much" Namjoon shrugged

"You guys don't have a schedule today?" (y/n) asked tilting his head to the side

Jimin blushed a bit before shaking his head, "No, we didn't tell you?"

(y/n) rolled his eyes, "no, you didn't, or else I wouldn't be asking"

Jimin blushed more and looked away, "sorry" he mumbled

(y/n) looked at him with guilt, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" He said while hugging the smaller

Jimin smirked as he saw the rest give him slight glares, "i-its okay" he fake cried while hugging (y/n) back

A moments later (y/n) let go of Jimin, "wanna go get some food? I haven't eaten since breakfast" he said while patting his stomach

The group nodded and they all walked out the door and started piling into the black van, "I'll just have my manager drive me" (y/n) said with a smile and started walking a way but felt so one grab his wrist

"Just sit on my lap" Seokjin mumbled while blushing madly

"What?" (y/n) blinked a few times before processing what Seokjin said and blushed madly, "i-its okay I can't j-ust have my manager drive me"

"I insist" Seokjin still held onto (y/n) wrist

(y/n) nodded slightly and shakily went over and sat on Seokjins lap, blushing more when the older wrapped his arm around him to buckle the seat belt.

(Jin is in the back, I didn't know how to incorperate that into the paragraphs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

The whole ride was filled with silence as (y/n) sat uncomfortably on Seokjins lap and the air tense with jealousy.


Finally the ride was over and Jungkook opened the door, letting (y/n) out first. They all walked into the restaurant silently, sitting at a large booth, "I'm sorry, (y/n), I just did not want you to travel alone" Seokjin hung his head after noticing the younger being distant

(y/n) looked up and after a few seconds he smiled reassuringly, "Its alright, just... New..." He said looking at him

@ odd(y/n) Sweetie42,689k likes788 comments

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@ odd(y/n) Sweetie

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