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  (y/n) lounged around the rest of the day, waiting for the group to come back and ignoring the texts from the members of NCT. He picked out some tan pants and a blue sweatshirt after taking a shower and put them on. The day dragged on and on and on, until (y/n) finally heard the muffled clicks of the door being unlocked and opening, followed by the footsteps and voices of the group.

  (y/n) opened his door and walked to the main entrance and looked around the corner, "Oh (y/n)! You scared me!" Jimin said when he saw (y/n) peeking around the corner of the wall

  "I uh..." (y/n) walked into full view and started rubbing his neck, "I uh... Um... Wanted to apologize for the way I acted... I was frustrasted at the time and overreacted..." (y/n) said while looking down and fidgeting with his hands

  "Oh my god you're so cuuutte" Hoseok said running over, picking up (y/n) and swinging him side to side

  (y/n) looked at him with confusion, "So... Am I forgiven?" (y/n) asked when Hoseok put him down

  "Yes!" Hoseok replyed with a big smile, putting a smile on (y/n)s face

  a few drinks and games later

  (y/n) looked at the spinning bottle anxiously waiting for it to land on someone. His breath hitched when it landed on him.

  "I..." He blushed remembering he didnt put on a shirt

  "Whats wrong?" Yoongi smiled

  "N-nothing, I'll do the shot" (y/n) grabbed the bottle of liqour and poured it in a glass and drank it all

  "Why do you keep on just drinking shots?" Jungkook whined

  "I didnt put on a shirt today..." (y/n) mumbled lowly



  "Come on (y/n) at least one item of clothing~" Hoseok said drunkily, putting his arm around (y/n)s neck

  "No no really Im fine, Id rather take shots" (y/n) laughed nervously

  Hoseok pouted then removed his arms from the younger, "Fine! New rule! You have to remove at least one item of clothing, and then you can have all the shots you want" Hoseok yelled out

  Everyone murmured for a second before nodding and spinning the bottle again, this time landing on Yoongi. The short male rolled his eyes before taking off a sock. He spun the bottle, landing on (y/n) again.

  (y/n) stiffened and swallowed hard, "O-ok" he grabbed the edge of his sweatshirt and started lifting it up until it was fully off, "I didnt wear a shirt today" (y/n) said into his hands while blushing madly

  Taehyung poked the soft skin of (y/n)s belly, causing him to flinch, "I-I dont have much time to work out either..." (y/n) frowned and moved a finger so he could look at Taehyung

  "Hey, its okay, you can put your sweatshirt back on if you feel uncomfortable" Seokjin said in a soothing tone

  (y/n) nodded and slid the soft fabric back on, making him feel better, "Thank you, its just... Y'know..." (y/n) looked at the bottle and spun it, trying to make the attention go off of him


  By the end of the night all of the men in the large apartment were slurring their words and laughing at everything,  "and I said, if you smack talk me, I'll smack you back!" Seokjin said before bursting into his windshield wiper laugh along with the loud laughter of everyone else

  "Ok... Everyone time to sleep" Namjoon slurred after the laughter went away

  "Aww come ooonnnn" Jimin whined, grabbing onto Namjoons arm

  "Fine, then you guys wake up late tomorrow" Namjoon shook off Jimin and started stumbling to his room

  "I'm gonna go to bed too" (y/n) said but before he could get up he felt a hand grab his wrist

  "Come onn (y/n) just a little longerrr" Yoongi held onto (y/n)s wrist tighter

  "Fine fine" (y/n) sat down again

  "Lets try to sober up a bit" Seokjin got up and brought back a water bottle for everyone, having them all take a few sips

  A few stories and laughter later, they all went to bed. Jungkook snuck down the hall to (y/n)s room and opened the door, seeing the small figure of him laying on the bed curled up in a ball. Jungkook bit his lips and crawled in next to (y/n), wrapping his arms around his waist and rest his hand on the others.

  (y/n) moved a bit and scrunched up his face for a second before softening his features again and moving closer to Jungkook, the larger male smiling and holding onto his waist tighter

  (y/n) moved a bit and scrunched up his face for a second before softening his features again and moving closer to Jungkook, the larger male smiling and holding onto his waist tighter

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  @ odd(y/n) Small winds
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