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"Hoseok please stop playing Ddu Du Ddu Du" Yoongi said covering his ears after hearing the song for the hundredth time

"You guys let me sit up front so you get to suffer the consequences" Hoseok said, turning around and sticking out his tongue to the rest

They all groaned hearing the song play again, "Are we almost there?" Taehyung looked over the seat and poked Namjoons shoulder

"We've been in the car for 30 minutes Tae" Namjoon answered with clear annoyance in his voice

"Ok thats it! Namjoon pull over Im switching with Hoseok!" Seokjin yelled and Namjoon immediately pulled over

Seokjin ended up dragging Hoseok out of the front and into the back after he refused to move. (y/n) giggled watching the scene of the two boys fighting.

After about 10 minutes Hoseok was finally in the back and Seokjin in the front. Namjoon drove back onto the rode and kept driving to their destination.

"I'm bored!" Jungkook sighed and laid back in his seat

"Then do something" Yoongi rolled his eyes at the younger

"What about..." He paused "Im not sure..." Jimin sighed putting his head into his hands

"A melody?" Seokjin asked looking back at the others

"Count me out, you guys know I'm bad at singing" Namjoon said while switching lanes

"Aish, you!" Seokjin smacked Namjoon on the back of the head

"Yeah, count me out too, Im not the best at singing either" (y/n) said rubbing the back of his neck

"Yup, Im not playing either" Hoseok put his hands behind his head and leaned back

"Just leave the whole rap line out" Yoongi said and turned to look out the window

"Its not fun then" Taehyung pouted

"Why?" (y/n) asked looking at Taehyung

"Because we don't get to make fun of their voices" Jimin said before getting a slap on the head from Yoongi making (y/n) laugh

  "Because we don't get to make fun of their voices" Jimin said before getting a slap on the head from Yoongi making (y/n) laugh

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@ odd(y/n) English Project

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