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5 weeks later

(y/n) held up his hand to knock on the door but it opened before he could. He looked in and saw the group, staring at him with equal confusion.

"(y-y/n) what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, being infront of the others.

"I, um, left some stuff here, I wanted to pick them up" (y/n) said, putting his arm down

"Oh, yeah" they moved out of the way and (y/n) stepped in slowly

"We saw it too and put it in the closet, we wanted to tell you but you wouldnt... Answer us..." Namjoon said, all of them feeling the awkwardness and denseness in the air

"Oh... Sorry..." (y/n) glanced at Namjoon before rushing upto the closet and seeing the box, picking it up, and going back to where the group was

When no one was saying something for a few minutes, (y/n) started walking out but was stopped by Jungkook grabbing his arm, "(y/n), can we have dinner tonight? All of us?" He asked

(y/n) looked at Jungkooks arm before slowly looking up at his face, "Yeah... I'll see if I can..."

"We can do later times like 10" Hoseok butted in

(y/n) looked at Hoseok, "Yeah... I think 7 will be best for me" he shook his arm from Jungkooks grip

"We'll pick you up" Jungkook said, looking at (y/n) desperately

"Yeah, sure" (y/n) walked off

- later that night

(y/n) put on his grey suit jacket and wiped off nonexistent dirt from his black shirt and pants. He looked over at the time seeing it was 6:30 and letting out a groan, "why did I agree to this?" He said while rubbing his face, messing up his hair slightly

The doorbell rang suddenly and (y/n) whipped around, he grabbed his phone and wallet quickly, keeping his phone in one hand while stuffing his wallet into one of his pockets.

When he opened the door he expected to see the group but instead looked up to see Jun, "Oh, hey" (y/n) said with a small smile

"What's with the outfit? Have a date tonight?" Jun teased, fixing (y/n)s jacket collar before walking in and going to his kitchen, getting a water bottle

"No, I don't" (y/n) pouted, "BTS invited me to dinner, we're discussing... Business stuff... Yes, very important stuff..."

"You don't wanna go do you?" Jun said, raising an eyebrow while leaning on the granite counter

"No" (y/n) sighed loudly, putting down his defences and sitting on one of the stools at the counter

"Just tell them something came up and you cant go" Jun shrugged, taking a sip of water

"I've been avoiding them for months, I should talk to them" (y/n) said while rubbing his temples with his eyes closed

"Doesn't mean you cant reschedule when you're ready to speak to them" Jun rolled his eyes

"I'd rather get it over with now" (y/n) opened his eyes and looked at Jun

Jun smirked before getting up, "The sooner I see them then I can avoid them again sooner and-" (y/n) stopped talking when Jun turned him around on the stool, "what-" he got cut off by Jun

"Don't worry" Jun put his hands on (y/n)s hips , kneading them slightly, feeling the smaller tense up before leaning in a bit, "I'll come with you and if they try anything, we'll leave. Ok?" Jun said soothingly

(y/n) looked up at Jun, "O-Ok" a slight tint came to his face

Before either of them said or did anything else, there was a loud knock at the door, "lets go" Jun smiled, giving a small squeeze to (y/n)s hips before picking him up from the stool and put him on his feet

Jun then walked over and opened the door, leaving (y/n) standing there being a panicked gay, "hey!" He heard Jun say to the group

"Wheres (y/n)?" Yoongis voice came from outside the door

"He's here.." Jun turned his head and gave (y/n) a big smile, "Come on" he motioned his head towards the door

(y/n) broke out of his daze and walked over slowly, feeling Jun put his arm around his waist loosely. He looked at the group and saw Jungkook staring at the arm.

"Youre coming with us?" Seokjin asked, slight annoyance in his voice

"Yup!" Jun smiled wider, "Dont worry, I'll pay for my own meal" he started walking and pulled (y/n) along with him to his car

- at the restaurant

(y/n) looked at the menu, "There's not much I can eat here" he pouted

"Why? I thought you liked a lot of this stuff?" Hoseok asked, looking at him confused

"The company is putting me on a strict diet" he sighed and put the menu down

"Come on, you can have one cheat day" Jun said and nudged the youngest

"I dont want young-mi to yell at me" (y/n) sighed again and started messing with his drink

After they all ordered, awkward silence consumed them, "So... How've you been?" Jimin asked (y/n)

"Um, a bit stressed" he rubbed the back of his neck, "How about you guys?"

"Stressed also" Namjoon said with a small, awkward laugh

"Ah" (y/n) let out an awkward laugh also

@ odd(y/n) good time1, 175, 997 likes 19, 146 comments

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@ odd(y/n) good time
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