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  It took awhile but once the awkwardness left the group and (y/n) started talking and catching up with each other.

  "So how do you like idol training?" Taehyung asked (y/n) before taking a sip of soju

  "It's a lot more then I expected" (y/n) laughed, "very tiring" the tint from alcohol on his face grew as he drank more soju

  Jungkook kept his eyes on Jun, noticing the man was scooting closer to (y/n) and was very touchy, "are you his choreographer?" Jungkook asked Jun, still looking at him

  "Yeah" Jun answered with a small smile

  "I've never seen you around, you must be new" Namjoon said, refilling his glass

  "There was a spot open so I took it" Jun shrugged and wrapped his arm around (y/n)

- few hours later

  (y/n) laughed while leaning on Jun, "I'll take him home, I dont trust cabs"

  They all said their goodbyes before Jun started leading (y/n) to his car, "put on your seat belt when you get in" Jun pat the smallers back before opening the passenger door and walking over to the drivers side

  When both of them were in the car and buckled up, Jun started driving, being careful since he also had a few drinks

  After a few minutes of driving and (y/n) almost throwing up, they made it back to (y/n)s house.

  "Wow you're really bad at handling your alcohol" Jun said as he picked up (y/n) and threw him over his shoulder when the smaller stumbled out of the car

  "Yah! Put me down!" (y/n) kicked around and hit Juns back repeatedly

  "Not gonna happen" Jun laughed at (y/n)s attempts to break free

  Jun used his free hand to reach into (y/n)s pockets after a bit of maneuvering and unlocked the door, closing it with his leg and locking it again

  "Put me down!" (y/n) yelled as he continued to thrash around and whine

  "Just wait (y/n)" Jun rolled his eyes before setting the smaller on the couch and going into his bathroom

  He came back with some medicine to help him sober up a little and went to the kitchen to get him water. When he went back to (y/n) he gave him the pills and water.

  (y/n) gave out a small whine before taking the pills and downing all the water, "dont drink it too quick" Jun said and took away the glass, "now go take a shower"

  (y/n) whined again before getting up and going to his bathroom to take a shower.

- 30 minutes later


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(y/n) walked out of the bathroom with a long towel loose around his waist. Jun looked at him and licked his lips before getting up, "how you feeling?" Jun asked (y/n)

  "A bit better" (y/n) said and walked over to his dresser, getting out (underwear type) and then over to his closet to get pajamas

  Jun started walking over to (y/n), "Looks like those workouts are paying off" Jun said lowly, watching (y/n) put on his (underwear type) under his towel before running his hands down (y/n)s muscled back and wrapping his arms around his waist, right above the towel

  "W-what-" (y/n) got cut off by Jun turning him around and closing him on the wall

  Jun let out a breathed 'wow' when he looked down at (y/n), "did I ever tell you youre beautiful"

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