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After a few more minutes, (y/n) can back out if his room, looking annoued and fearful, "Who was that?" Hoseok asked, noticing the change in behavior

"Just someone from a company I'm modeling for" (y/n) said before going over and sitting on the couch

"Are you okay?" Seokjin asked worridly

"Yeah, Im fine" (y/n) responded with a smile, "let's watch a movie"

They all nodded and gathered around on the couches. Seokjin brought in snacks and drinks as they picked a movie.

During the movie, (y/n) started getting sleeping, soon snuggling up next to Namjoon and falling asleep. When he was sure (y/n) was asleep he started freaking out slightly as the others were mouthing words to him.

"What do I do?!" Namjoon whisper-yelled

"Just let him sleep" Seokjin whispered back, moving a piece of hair from (y/n)s face

After the movie ended, (y/n) was still asleep so Namjoon carefully picked him up and brought him to his room

week time skip

"(y/n) I need to see you" Si-hyuk said after walking over to (y/n) in the lobby

(y/n)s heart dropped as he swolled and nodded before following Si-hyuk to the elevator and to his office, "Young-mi says she got a text from Namjoon of BTS saying that youve been acting weird lately?" Si-hyuk looked at (y/n) with concern before continuing, "What's happening?"

(y/n) looked down, "Its someone from one of the companies, their just... treating me weirdly" he didn't know how to word it

"Who is it and what are they doing?" Si-hyuk asked, raising an eyebrow

(y/n) bit his lip and glanced around before giving his boss the persons name and explaining what was happening

As Sihyuk listened, his face scrunching up from time to time, "Im contacting authorities, I'll try to keep the story down for awhile so the news doesn't hear of it. Dismissed." Si-hyuk waved off (y/n)

(y/n) stood up and bowed before leaving the room and rushing to the bathroom, and locked the door as tears streamed down his face.

After the small breakdown, (y/n) splashed water on his face and fixed up his clothes before leaving the bathroom and walking back to the lobby where Young-mi was waiting

  @ odd(y/n) messy   44, 830k likes   893 comments

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@ odd(y/n) messy
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