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(y/n) woke up, instantly feeling pain in his hips and ass. He noticed Jun was gone, making his heart sink but then heard the sound of clattering from the kitchen. He tried standing up but as soon as he lifted off the bed he fell to the ground in pain with a yell

Jun came running in and over to (y/n), "are you okay?" Jun asked with concern

"We're never having sex again" (y/n) looked at Jun with furrowed eyebrows

Jun laughed, "You know that's not gonna happen" he said as he helped (y/n) put on his (underwear type) before picking him up and setting him back onto the bed, "I also changed the sheets because the other ones are messy while you were asledp"

(y/n) blushed, "thank you" he said quietly

"I'll help you in the shower after we eat" Jun said while putting blankets over (y/n)s legs and walking back to the kitchen

- an hour later

"Shit I have to go practice!" (y/n) said suddenly, interrupting the cuddling him and Jun were doing. He sat at the edge of the bed and stood up painfully

"Its fine, I called Young-mi and said you were sick" Jun said getting off the bed also and walking over to (y/n), holding his waist to help him stand better

"Really?" (y/n) looked up at him surprised

"Yeah, I knew you were going to be really sore" Jun answered, setting (y/n) back down on the bed

"Thank you" (y/n) smiled and kissed Jun

Jun returned the kiss and bit down on (y/n)s bottom lip softly, the smaller opening his mouth. The kiss soon became heated, Jun on top of (y/n) and pinning down his hands.

(y/n) suddenly broke the kiss, taking in a deep breath, "We're not doing it again if that's what you think" (y/n) said with furrowed eyebrows

"I know, Its just kissing you is so addictive" Jun licked his lips before smashing their faces back together


When the kiss was over, Jun picked up (y/n) bridal style, "What are you doing?" The smaller asked

"We both stink so Im gonna get a bath running" Jun pecked (y/n)s lips and set him on the toilet seat before going over and filling up the tub with warm water, adding in bubbles when it was half full

"After we get cleaned I'll go to a store to get some medicine to help with your pain" Jun said, still focused on filling up the tub

"You dont have to do all this for me you know?" (y/n) melted at the care he was receiving

"I know, I just want you to owe me for next time we go at it" Jun turned to (y/n) with a mischievous smile

"You sly fox" (y/n) smiled back at him

"Take off your underwear, the bath is almost ready" Jun said, turning back around

(y/n) slid off his (underwear type), throwing them into the hamper before he felt Jun picking him up again, "I can get into the tub myself" (y/n) pouted

"Sure" Jun snorted, getting into the tub with (y/n) leaning on his chest

(y/n) pouted even more before starting to wash himself


After they got cleaned up and dried off, (y/n) put on a tank top and some briefs, Jun looked through (y/n)s closet to find clothes that were oversized on the smaller male so they would fit him better.

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