49: Final

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(A/N): This will be the last chapter due to me being unmotivated. I don't want to constantly procrastinate and put off updating the book. If, in the future, I do want to do more updates, I will, but for now I will label this as finished. I'm very sorry for the anticlimactic and horrible ending. To make up for this I will be starting the mafia au soon so stay tuned for that.

  (y/n) winced as he woke up and brought his hand up to rub his lower back. Jungkook was already awake and chuckled as he watched the male, "how are you feeling?"

"Sore and my stomach hurts" he said, rolling over to lay on his stomach, covering his lower half with the blanket as he continued to rub his back

Jungkook hummed and sat up, ruffling his hair, "do you want me to bring you breakfast?" He asked as he got up

(y/n) turned his head to look at his, now, boyfriend, "in a little" he held his arms out, silently telling the other he wanted a hug

Jungkook let out a small laugh and crawled laid back down, wrapping his arms around the smallers waist and hugging him close

The two laid there for awhile until (y/n) hummed, muffled since his face was pressed into the males chest. Jungkook moved away slightly and looked down at him, "hungry?" He asked, getting a nod in return

Before going to make food, Jungkook got some medicine and water for (y/n), going to the kitchen afterwards, beginning to make pancakes. (y/n) on the other hand stayed in bed until the medicine began kicking in.

30 minutes later, (y/n) hugged Jungkook from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder. The larger smiled and turned his head to gently kiss the males cheek.

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