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As the weeks went by, Jun started doing more for (y/n) and spending more time with him. (y/n) felt himself falling for Jun harder, loving the attention

  As he came back from getting groceries one day in a Saturday, he noticed Juns car was gone, "must be getting something" he muttered and went to the front door

  When he walked into the house, he immediately knew something was wrong. He quickly put away the groceries before rushing upstairs, "Jun?" He called out

  "Jun?" He called out multiple times. When he opened their bedroom door his heart dropped and fear overcame him, "Jun?" His eyes looked around the room frantically

Tears started running down (y/n)s face as he noticed all of Juns stuff was gone. He searched everywhere, his vision clouded and his breaths becoming ragged.

  He thrashed around, braking things and pulling out drawers trying to look for a single trace of Jun. He heard glass shatter and wood splitter as his senses were overloaded with emotions

  He started screaming out Juns name as he fell onto the floor. The tears wouldn't stop. His chest became tight as he tried sucking in breaths. Waves of emotions kept on going over him.

  He tried standing up but he wobbled and fell, still yelling out to Jun, everything suddenly making sense. He felt an overwhelming sense of hurt. It was too much. He called out for Jun, reaching for his phone as his hands shook uncontrollably

  He was able to finally stand up but couldn't keep a firm grasp on his phone and it fell to the ground, shattering on the wooden floors. He fell soon after the phone, his legs giving out on him. Crying. Sobbing.

  He yelled out as he pulled at his hair, wishing this pain would go away. It's all he could feel. He couldn't stop crying, his throat becoming hoarse.

  After awhile of crying he fell asleep on the floor, hugging his knees.

  When he woke up in the morning memories from the day before came rushing over him. The pain coming back. It was unbearable. He couldn't stand it.

  He weakly grabbed his shattered phone. Turning it on and unlocking it, feeling the glass pieces cutting his fingers. He dialed Young-mis number and waited.

  "Hello?" Young-mid voice came

  "Can you come over" (y/n) said, his voice void of anything

  "Of course" she instantly noticed something was wrong and hung up


  Young-mi came bursting in the door, seeing (y/n) sitting on his bed, his face stoic but his eyes showing hurt and betrayal. His hair was all over the place and his clothes were a mess, "oh my god (y/n) what happened" she rushed over, feeling like crying by the depressing aroma around (y/n), ignoring the destroyed room

  "He left" (y/n)s voice cracked

  "Jun?" She sat next to (y/n) and grabbed his hand

  (y/n) nodded slowly, keeping his gaze on a small scratch in the floor

  "I-I-" she got cut off by (y/n)

  "I should've known. He was being too nice" (y/n) let out a painful laugh

  Young-mi pulled (y/n) into a tight hug, tears starting to come to her eyes by seeing (y/n) in this state. She felt (y/n)s grip tighten on her shirt as he began to shake, "Why did he leave? Why? Why?!" He yelled out

  Young-mi pet his hair as she shushed and rubbed circles on his back, "it'll be okay" he kept saying over and over

  (y/n) grip became weak as he fell asleep. Young-mi layed him down on his bed and covered him with his blankets. In a flash anger overcame her. No, not anger, rage. She wanted to rip Jun to pieces and feed him to sharks.

  She quickly got out her phone and dialed Si-Hyuks number, "we have a problem" she said when he answered the phone


  "Big Hit Entertainment has just come out with the statement that idol, (y/n), will be taking an indefinite hiatus for mental health reasons. They didn't give a solid answer on how long his break will be, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Fans are worried, posting their concerns online through multiple social media's, asking for more information. We send our support to (y/n) and hope he overcomes this as soon as possible..." The group stared at the TV in shock as it showed videos and pictures of the press conference


  (y/n) just stared at the floor, void of emotions. He was numb at this point, "they're almost done moving your stuff" Young-mi said softly, putting a hand on (y/n)s back. (y/n) didn't respond and stayed still


  "He's not answering his phone" Seokjin said worriedly

  They all agreed on going to (y/n)s house but when they got there they saw an "up for rent" sign and instantly became confused


  (y/n) hugged his jacket close to him as he watched the last of the movers leave his new house, "how are you doing" Young-mi said softly

  "Numb" he said quietly

  "Hey, it's all gonna be okay" Young-mi said and hugged (y/n)

  "It's my fault" tears started running down (y/n)s face

  "What?" Young-mi looked at him

  "It's all my fault" (y/n) felt his chest tighten and the pain come back, "I fucking cheated on him, Young-mi! It's my fault!" He yelled, tears coming down like waterfalls. Young-mi stared at him in shock, not knowing what to say


  After searching for weeks, the group finally found (y/n)s new address. They walked upto the door and knocked softly.

  They waited awhile before knocking again, waiting more. On their third attempt at knocking, (y/n) opened the door, looking up at them with eyes full of nothing

  "Oh my god, (y/n) what happened" Seokjin asked

  "Jun... um... Jun left..." (y/n) answered, looking down

  "What?!" They all said together, besides Jungkook

  "I came home one day and all of his stuff was gone" (y/n) said with a sad laugh


  After making sure (y/n) was fine, the group left but Jungkook stayed behind, "(y/n) I'm so-" he started but got cut off

  "Don't say sorry, it's not your fault, It's mine" (y/n) said and held Jungkook's hand

  "It is, I shouldn't of advanced you in the first place" Jungkook squeezes (y/n)s hand

  "And I didn't stop you, it's my fault Jungkook" (y/n) started shaking

  "Stop, lets just move on from this subject" Jungkook whispered and moved to be infront of (y/n), cupping his face. (y/n) nodded in response, leaning into and holding Jungkook's hands, closing his eyes

  "I love you..." Jungkook said quietly, rubbing his thumbs against (y/n)s cheeks

  (y/n)s breath hitched, "it's a little hard to love someone right now, give me some time" (y/n) said back

  Jungkook nodded, "take all the time you need" he said before giving a soft kiss to (y/n)s lips

  (y/n) kissed back before feeling Jungkook move away, their lips still millimeters close, "thank you" (y/n) whispered against Jungkook's lips

"Just know that we're here for you" Jungkook kissed (y/n) again

The kiss became more heated, Jungkook sliding his hand up to the back of (y/n)s head and gripping his hair

(y/n) opened his mouth and felt Jungkook slide his tongue in his mouth. They made out for a bit longer before (y/n) pulled away, leaving Jungkook confused, "I don't want- I don't want to lead you on if I can't get over Jun" (y/n)s voice started shaking and he looked down

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and used his hand to softly grab (y/n)s chin and raise his head, "you're not leading me on" he said

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