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After getting home from a long day, (y/n) kicked his shoes off and flopped on the couch. He waited for the group to come back but they never did so he went up to his room and went to bed.

The next morning he waited for doors to open but they never did, "Must've not come home last night..." (y/n) muttered to himself while getting up and getting ready

Its kept happening everyday until he found out that BTS had gone on tour. He furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his jaw seeing the advertisment for their tour.

'How did I not see it? And why didnt they tell me...?' (y/n) thought to himself, putting his phone away

Time Skip

For the months they were gone, (y/n) grew lonely, but also got to know the members of NCT. They could only meet and have dinner on saturdays due to being from different companies but it still didnt stop them from inviting (y/n) over to sleep when he felt lonely.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the group of 7 boys came back from their tour, some of them laying on the floor, couch, and leaning on the wall.

"I love our fans... But tours are so tiring..." Hoseok said feeling the cold wood against his back

"Preach" Taehyung said putting his hands in the air causing a few chuckles to come from the tired boys

"Hey... Where's (y/n)?" Yoongi suddenly asked bringing his head up from a pillow to look around

"Yeah... (y/n)?" Namjoon called down the hall

"He's probably out getting something to eat" Yoongi said and layed his head back down

When they waited for another 2 hours, (y/n) finally walked through the door. The small boy looked at them with a small sneer.

"(y/n) where have you been?" Seokjin asked getting up

"Where have I been? Where have I been?!" (y/n) slightly yelled pointing to himself while looking at Seokjin

The group was taken aback and looked at him confused, "At least I tell you where I'm going instead of just disappearing for 3 months" (y/n) walked by all of the confused boys and to his room

"What are you talking about? I thought we told you about our tour" Jimin said following (y/n)

"Well then why would I be mad if I knew, huh? Answer that" (y/n) looked back at Jimin and out his hands on his hips, "I'll wait, go on"

(y/n) rolled his eyes when no one was responding walked into his room, immediately sitting on his bed and put his head in his hands, "stupid stupid stupid! You overreacted!" (y/n) yelled to himself while hitting his forehead with his palm

He looked at the time and saw it was 8 so he grabbed his phone and started texting Taeyong:

(y/n): I messed up...

Taeyong: What happened?

(y/n): They came back and I yelled at them... I feel horrible

Taeyong: Do you want to come over?

(y/n): I dont want to be a burden, I've already been over enough.
Im bothering you right now, you probably have a schedule tomorrow. Sorry.

Taeyong: You are not a burden! We only have dance and vocal practice tomorrow from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. how about you come over then?

(y/n): Alright... Thank you Hyung

Taeyong: No problem (y/n), have a good night

(y/n): You too

(y/n) put his phone down and took a deep breath, "I should apologize..." (y/n) whispered to himself and looked at his door

@ odd(y/n) First Snowfall  60, 970k likes   941 comments

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@ odd(y/n) First Snowfall
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