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It had been a few months before (y/n) had started to recover. The guilt had started to subside but some of it was still there.

It was (y/n)s 2 year anniversary as an idol so he went on a show for a small celebration and fans went crazy as it was the first time the male had been seen in months, finally coming back from his hiatus.

  After the show there was paparazzi, reporters, news anchors, and fans outside the studio, more then usual. He wore a hat, mask, and sunglasses to hide his face from pictures because he was still recovering physically and young-mi didn't want any zoomed in or close up pictures of him as to not make anyone worry. TV show cameras were fine since the videos and pictures weren't as wall defined as photography cameras.


  When he got home he said his goodbyes to young-mi and flopped on his couch, he scrolled through his phone, ignoring anything about him, especially not wanting to read about the rumors

  He sat on his couch for awhile before there was a knock at his door. He got up with a small groan and walked to the door, opening it and looking at the person, seeing Jungkook and a smile spreading on his face, "hey" he said and moved out of the way so the larger male could walk in

  Jungkook gave (y/n) a large smile and walked in, taking off his shoes before turning around to look at the smaller and took small steps toward him before their chests were almost touching, "the internet is going wild because of your appearance on that show" Jungkook said and snaked his arms around (y/n)s waist

  (y/n) chuckled before sliding his hands down Jungkooks arms, from his shoulders to his forearms before patting them gently and begun going to walk away, leaving his grasp.

Jungkook pouted softly and followed (y/n), laying down and with his head on his lap, making the other give him a confused look before looking back up and beginning to pet his head gently.

They stayed like that for awhile before Jungkook looked up at (y/n) and brought his hand up, tracing his jaw. (y/n) looked down at him and stopped petting his hair, "what?" He asked

Jungkook smiled, "nothing, just admiring you" he said and continued to trace his jaw

(y/n) bit his lip and stared at Jungkook. He started thinking about how long he has been making the other wait and felt bad. He was taking his pain and pushing it onto Jungkook and he hated it.

Jungkook laid there as the two stared at each other, looking at (y/n) lovingly. He loved the male so much and wanted to be with him but he didn't want to force anything onto him.

  Jungkooks thoughts were cut short when (y/n) started leaning down and he felt their lips press together. He laid there in shock for a few moments before sitting up, continuing the kiss in the process, and held the back of the males neck, deepening the kiss.

(y/n) hesitated when Jungkook wasn't kissing back but his worry went away when he did. He wrapped his arms around the others neck and pulled him close.

The kiss went on for a few more minutes before (y/n) pulled back, breathing slightly heavy from not getting enough air, "I love you" he said in between a breath

Jungkooks eyes widened and his eyes flicked around (y/n)s face, processing the words that just came out of his mouth, "I love you too" he said and started kissing the male again

skip to next chapter if you don't want to read

(y/n) immediately kissed back and closed his eyes. Jungkook slid his hands down to grip the others hips and pulled him onto his lap. As the kiss became more heated, Jungkook started moving down to his neck.

(y/n) bit his lip and shifted on the other males lap, feeling something poke his butt, "I think this is a bad time to ask you to be my boyfriend" he said, leaning into the kisses, a small tint on his cheeks out of embarrassment

Jungkook froze and moved to look up at (y/n), "yes and yes" he said and smiled softly

(y/n) smiled widely and kissed Jungkook again, gripping his hair gently as he moved around on the others lap a bit more to tease him. Jungkook's breath hitched and he gripped (y/n)s hips tighter, pressing him down onto his lap more.

(y/n) let out a soft moan when he felt the other males member poke at his entrance and had to move away from the kiss, resting his head on his shoulder.

Jungkook slid one of his hands down into (y/n)s pants and (underwear type). He rubbed the smallers entrance before putting in one finger, causing him to gasp and moan loudly.

"Do you want to bring this to the bed?" Jungkook whispered in the others ear.

"No- ah!" (y/n) felt Jungkook's finger begin to move, he was too impatient to want to go somewhere else.

Jungkook chuckled and pushed in another finger, beginning to scissor (y/n). It was more painful then usual due to having no lube but the pain went away after awhile and he began to feel more pleasure, moaning more.

When Jungkook was done preparing the other, he pulled down both of their pants and underwear before lining the male up, "ready?" He asked, (y/n) nodding in response.

Jungkook hummed and lowered him down onto his member, giving him some time to adjust before starting to bounce him.

(y/n) let out louder moans when he began bouncing and threw his head back slightly. He was half-focusing on Jungkook and half-focusing on not falling off the couch since it wasn't that big of one and his leg was right at the edge.

Jungkook noticed the discomfort and grabbed (y/n)s legs before standing up, causing a confused look, "what are you doing?" (y/n) asked, wrapping his arms around his neck

"Taking you to your bed, the couch isn't that good of a place to do it" Jungkook answered and started walking

(y/n)s face turned more red and he lowered his head. The others member was still inside him and it felt weird as he walked. (Reference from Hold Me Tight)

When they finally got to the bed, Jungkook laid (y/n) down and flipped him over, tracing his spine gently before gripping his hips tightly and thrusting into him. (y/n) moaned loudly and gripped the sheets as he felt the other begin to go faster and harder.

Jungkook let out quiet grunts with each thrust until he felt his release, "I'm close" he said, going faster

"m-me too" (y/n) managed to say right before he released. Jungkook thrusted in all the way before doing the same. He slowed down his thrusts before finally pulling out, laying next to the other.

(y/n) has to calm down his breathing before saying anything, "damn" he said after a few minutes

Jungkook chuckled and leaned in, giving him a kiss, "I'm guessing you liked it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow

(y/n) nodded and kissed back, pulling away after a few seconds, "that's gonna be hard to clean out though" he said and motioned to his lower half

"I'll help you" Jungkook laughed quietly and wrapped an arm around the other, "tomorrow though, I can tell your tired" he said, bringing him closer

(y/n) only nodded in response and closed his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. Jungkook smiled softly and moved some hair out of his face as he listened to the males soft snore for a few moments before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

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