Chapter 7.

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John walked out of the jewelry store, putting the small box in his pocket. He grabbed my hand as we began walking down the sidewalk.

Me and John weren't a thing now just cause we kissed. We didn't even talk about it. John had to go back to the college to see Cyn so I insisted to walk with him.

Once we got into view of the school, he let go of my hand and kept walking. I stopped and backed up.

"Well, I'll see you around." I said. He stopped and looked at me.

"Oh..okay then." He looked down. "I had a great time today Luce." He smiled. I nodded and turned around, walking away as the bell rang.

"Theres my girl!" I heard him yell as she giggled. I turned to see him pick her up and spin her around. He grabbed the small box out of his pocket and gave it to her. She smiled. They looked like a sweet couple. And who was I to get in the way of that?

I saw him glance at me and give a small smile. I just nodded and turned on my heel, making my way home.


"Aah bed. Beautiful beautiful bed." I breathed laying down. I took off John's coat and began stripping down, getting under the covers.

I snuggled with a pillow and remembered John. The kiss. How his lips felt on mine. I pushed these thoughts away and closed my eyes. I figured a nap would help clear my mind.


"Luce. Lucy. LUCY!!"

"Who whaa?" I mumbled sitting up.

"Wake up Lucy. We got a surprise for ye!" Phil said excitedly. I yawned and looked at the clock.

"I've been asleep for four hours!?"

"Well when we got home, we thought it was best we let you rest. Come on!" He yelled walking out of my room. I got out of bed, put some shorts on and walked down the stairs.

"Finally honey you're awake!" My mom smiled hugging me. I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Close your eyes." My mom said. "No peeking."

I laughed as she placed her hands over my eyes and led me somewhere. I assumed we were outside now when I felt cool fall air brush against my legs. It sent chills up my body.

"Alright hold on a bit." Phil said. "Ow!"

"Oh honey be careful!" My mom said.

"What happened??" I asked.

"Phil almost fell in a bush. He's fine though."

I giggled and kept walking until my mom stopped.

"Alright. Open!" Phil yelled as my mom moved her hands from around my eyes. My eyes widened to see a beautiful red vehicle in the driveway. I smiled and looked at them.

"What's this!?"

"It's yours! Miss college student."

I laughed and walked over to it. I brushed my fingers on the hood.

"Seriously!? Mine?"

"Yes!" Phil said snapping a picture of me. I screamed and jumped on him, giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" I said between kissing his cheek. I ran over to my mom and hugged her tight. She laughed and watched me get inside. It was beautiful. This is what love must feel like. And I fell hard.

"Here's the keys love. We figured since you have to walk down to school everyday, might as well drive there. I mean you deserve it."

I smiled and looked at him. "This is the sweetest and most nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." I said getting out and hugging him. He kissed the top of my head and smiled.

"Come on. Let's take a picture yeah? Liz come take a photo of us!" He yelled to mom. She grabbed the camera from him and snapped a photo of us.

"Can I take it out?" I asked.

My mom sighed as Phil nodded.

"Sure. Why not. Just be back before dinner."

"Okay. Let me just get dressed." I said running inside, up the stairs to my room. I was so excited. Finally a car of my own!

I got dressed up and ran down stairs.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled running passed them.

"Need money?" Phil asked.

"Car and money. Wow Phil really trying to get on my good side huh?" I smirked.

"Pfft you wish love. I 'av your mum already. Can't a man just do something nice for his step daughter?"

"Yes." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He handed me some money and I was off on my way.


I put the radio on as I drove around. It felt amazing to drive again. I passed a few buildings then saw him. And her.

They walked out of what seemed like another club. Paul was with them. John was holding her hand and kissing her neck. She was smiling. I sighed and felt my heart sink a little.

Why should I get upset? It doesn't even matter. I shouldn't care. But deep down, I did.

I saw them say goodbye to Paul as they walked away together. Hand in hand. I drove on and on until I couldn't see them anymore. I know our kiss meant nothing to him. So it shouldn't mean anything to me either.


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