Chapter 42.

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Two Months Later

As the days and weeks went on, me and Stuart spent a lot of time together. This made Cyn back off a little. If she only knew where her boyfriend was going after the end of the day. I never knew what George was going to tell me, but he told me it didn't matter anymore. Things were normal between us again.

Things were pretty great at the moment. The band was doing good, I had someone to talk to during classes when John was off with Cyn, I was getting good grades, still working hard at my job.

"There's a summer dance on this weekend." Stu said as we walked to my car. I stopped and looked at him.

"And?" I smiled.

"Well, ye know maybe we can um, go together." He said nervously. In that moment, I remembered just a few months ago when George asked me. How cute he looked when he was stuttering, how we kissed, went back to the club and danced all night... A pain of guilt washed over me.

"I um...I can't Stu." I said looking down. He just nodded.

"Oh uh, that's fine." He looked a little upset. I didn't want to hurt him. But I knew if George found out we went together, i'd probably hurt him as well. I love George and I know it was a special memory for him, I just couldn't hurt him like that. Now watching Stuart upset was really making me feel bad.

"Hey, maybe we can do something else instead with the guys? I'd be more comfortable doing something normal than be in an ill fitting dress."

He laughed and nodded. "That sounds great Luce. I'd love that."

I smiled at him as John came out, walking over to us.

"Aye you two cunts. What's goin on?"

"Were goin out this Friday." Stu said smiling. John raised his eyebrows.

"Were going to do something else instead of the dance." I said getting in the car. They both followed.

"Oh yeah? Where we goin?" John asked leaning up front between me and Stu.

I shrugged. "I dunno. Aren't you goin to the dance with Cyn?"

He shook his head. "No. She's got some kind of church thing. I dunno." He shrugged. I stopped and thought to myself. Church? She never went to church before. Maybe it's something new? Whatever, as long as she was gone.

"Sounds good. As long as Paul and George get to come." I smiled, driving down the road.


When we pulled up to my house, Paul and George were waiting on the front steps already. I got out and opened the door, letting them all inside.

It was the same as usual. Paul, John and Stu were passing around an acoustic, smoking and teaching each other songs while I made some tea and worked on the sofa.

I got up as the kettle whistled when I realised George was missing. I looked around and then made my way upstairs. I walked into my room to find him sitting on the floor reading. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Geo. Why aren't you downstairs with the rest of the guys?"

He shrugged. "I felt like readin."

"What are you reading?" I asked closing the door and sitting next to him. He showed me The Catcher in the Rye. I smiled and nodded.

"Great book. Read it myself a few years ago."

"Yeah it's nice."

I smiled and looked down at my hands. "So George. What's on your mind?"

"Nothin. Just...stuff."

"Like what?"

He shook his head and continued reading. I pulled the book down and set it in his lap.

"Talk to me George."

"Why don't ye talk to Stu. He seems to be your best friend lately."

I looked at him. "George that's not true."

"Ye spend lots more time with him now. I mean yeah why not? He's the same age as you, gots lots in common, go to the same well, I'm just a kid."

I tried to hold back my smile as he looked down, face redder than a tomato. I stroked the side of his cheek and turned his head so he was facing me.

"Are you jealous?"

"No. I'm just sayin....yes." He picked up his book and looked at it.

"You know I love you. You're more than a kid Geo. You're special to me."

"I don't feel like it anymore."

I sighed and scooted closer to him, our shoulders touching.

"Wanna know something? Stu asked me to the summer dance. But you know what I said? I told him no. Because I remembered last fall when you asked me out remember?"

"When I had my first kiss." He whispered.

"Yes. Our first dance. Your know."

He laughed and looked at me. "You really cared about my feelings?"

"Of course. I only wanted to share that moment with you. Plus, you're the only man I love to dance with." I smiled as he blushed.

"Lucy...I love you." He said staring into my eyes.

I wiped the tear rolling down his cheek and slowly leaned in, pressing my lips on his. He leaned in more, holding my face in his hands.


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