Chapter 41; Long Nights

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Selena's POV


"So yes, it is sprained. Almost broken... He hit it extremely hard I'm guessing. May I ask what happened?," the doctor asked curiously.

"I was in the shower and I slipped and hit my arm," Nash quickly replied, knowing I would say he dropped the soap. I still laugh at that for some reason...

"Oh, okay."

"So what's the bad news?," I asked. There is always bad news everytime I come here.

"Other than the fact that he sprained his arm, nothing," the doctor replied.

I let out a sigh of relief as they put Nash under pain medication and put a cast and sling on his arm so it can heal properly.

We signed a few release papers and left and went back home.

As I was about to enter the empty house, Autumn called.

"Aye! What's Gucci?" She screamed through the phone.

"Nothing much what about you?"

"Same. So what are you doing tonight?"

"Just chilling in with Nash. His parents are working late and Hayes and Sky are sleeping over their friends houses. Just us."

"Um... Please don't do "it"... While you're home alone," she said concerned.

"I can't... He sprained his arm," I laughed, "so how is Matt dealing with this pregnancy thing?"

"Pretty well. But I don't know if I should keep it."

"Keep it!!! You are not getting rid of that child!" I screamed at her.

"I'm 15, and I can barely support myself. I just don't know."

"Just do it. So what are you doing tonight?"

"Well... I was thinking maybe if you wanted to go on a double date tonight."

"Awe bæ yas! Let me ask Nash."

"Ok. Just text me or something."

"Kk. Bye FELICIA."

"Bye FELICIA," she screamed back as I hung up the phone.

"Nash, babe where are you?" I called.

"In the room."

I walked upstairs into the room and asked him if he wanted to go on the double date.

"Yeah but they'll be all cute and cuddly and shit."

"So we'll show them we are more cute and cuddly and shit." I giggled.

He laughed and agreed as I texted Autumn that our double date is still on.

"But what about your arm?"

"What about it?"

"Won't it be killing you all night?!"

"Nah, don't worry about it babe. Come here," he said holding his non-damaged arm towards me. I laughed and walked into his arms and he held me as we both put on Netflix and fell into a deep sleep.


It was now 6:45 and my phone alarm went off signaling for Nash and I to get up and ready for this date. For some reason, I was extremely nervous.

I put on black high waisted shorts and my black strapless peplum shirt with a bow on the chest. I curled my hair and did my usual makeup.

As I walked out of my room, I saw Nash walking out of his at the same time.

Nash was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue dress shirt. He looked amazing. And the blue in his shirt brought out his eyes extremely well.

"Wow," he was speechless, "you look absolutely amazing."

"You don't look too bad yourself, Grier."

"Which Grier are we talking about here? You or me?"

I laughed at his attempt of a pick up line.

"You're so corny," I exclaimed.

"It's only cause I love you."

"I love you too babe. Alright, let's go."

I grabbed a few dollars for the taxi and called one.

While waiting, I decided to call Autumn.

"Aye,"I screamed through the phone.

"AYEEE!" She screamed back.

"We are still on for this dinner thing, right?"

"Yup. We are about to pull up in this parking lot."

"Alright well we are getting the taxi then we'll be there."

"Kk, just text me later," she said hanging up the phone.

The taxi came and we got it.



A/N UPDATE LATER I PROMISE I wrote this yesterday and it's literally 2am and I'm tired af so I'll update tomorrow.

Let's get this to 3K reads!!

Twitter- @MAGCONBabesFan_

Stay Fab-

xx Selena Grier xx

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