Chapter 1; Bus ride

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Chapter 1.

Selena's POV



I heard my alarm go off. It was 6:00 in the morning. Great... Another day in hell, I thought to myself. I slammed the button on my alarm, and shuffled out of bed, and I looked in the mirror. Bad choice. I looked like a zombie...literally. I sleepily grabbed clothes out of my drawer and grabbed a towel, and headed to the bathroom. I always sang in the shower... so it was a bit awkward considering my brother wakes up at the same time. Yeah... we go to school together. I'm a freshman, and he's a senior. Good thing he's graduating soon... right?

"Selena, hurry up! You've been in there for like an hour!" my brother yelled through the door. "Try 10 minutes, jackass!" I yelled back as I heard his footsteps fade away. He was always like that. I'm just surprised our dad didn't hear us when we always yelled back and forth at each other like that... especially in the morning.

I turned the shower off, wrapped the towel around my body, and headed to my room. "Is it always this cold when I get out?!" I thought to myself. It was really cold. Before my brother could see me, I ran the rest of the way to my room, closed the door, and locked it. I quickly threw on the clothes I'd picked out, trying to warm myself up at least a little bit. I didn't have enough time to straighten my hair, so I blow dried it and put it in a bun. I did my makeup as always- winged eyeliner, curled lashes, and a little bit of mascara. Sometimes I put on red lipstick, but usually on special occasions.

"Selena, come eat before the bus comes!" my dad called from the kitchen. I'm guessing he made what he made us every morning- scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon. I didn't really care too much for bacon- but I didn't mind it.

"Nice outfit, dork," my brother teased. "Alex, be nice to your sister," my dad said- me sticking my tongue out at him. "Is today the first time you've taken a shower in years?" I questioned my brother, teasing him back, as he made a mimicking face back at me.


I heard the bus horns, as I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door, trying to get to the bus before my brother. That didn't happen. Right before I stepped on the bus, my brother yanked me by the back of my backpack and ran ahead of me. When I finally got on the bus, I heard some of Alex's friends in the back of the bus talking about me. "I can't believe that's your sister..." "She's such a joke..." "Wow, what a whore." names called from the back.


"Hey, leave her alone. Yeah I call her a dork and stuff, but that doesn't give you permission to. So just.. calm down, alright?" my brother defended me. I smiled to myself, proud of him, and turned around waiting until the bus picked up my friend.


Autumn's POV.


I pulled out my phone to text Selena.


*What time will the bus be there?* I send, waiting for a reply.

*About 10*

*Kk. Heading to Dunkin Donuts, want anything?*

*Iced Caramel Mocha decaf, cream and liquid sugar :)*

I ran down to the coffee shop and grabbed our coffees. I sat waiting anxiously for the coffees to be finished, as I heared the woman call my order number.

"About damn time..." I mumbled.

As I got on the bus, I was panting from all of the running, and everyone stared at me like I was crazy.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I yelled to someone- who was giving me a disgusted face. I couldn't help but hear Selena's loud ass laugh, so I hurried to get in the seat with her.

"Did you hear about Magcon?" she asked as soon as I sat down...



A/N HEY GUYSSS!!! I TOLD YOU! NEW CHAPTER! Sorry it wasn't that great i'm new to this! I will try to update every other day. I won't update the chapters so quickly, because then the chapters would be shit, and this book will be over way too fast. I love you all!!!!

P.s. please try to help me get this to 1K reads? I know it's a lot- but I think you guys can do it!!

Stay Fab-

xx Selena Grier xx

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