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'Thank me later'
Diego stared at Ella's text message for the umpteenth time yet he wasn't able to comprehend why he should thank her until the door of his office room knocked.

Grace, Agosti Firearms' Human Resource Manager walked in with a very familiar girl following her behind. Diego was quite surprised to see Ella's friend Luciana behind Grace, that's when Ella's text message made sense.

'You are going to be dead! You're welcome', he quickly typed it and hit send.

"Good morning sir, this is Luciana. She will be your secretary under Marianne's supervision for the next three months before we provide with the placement confirmation letter" said Grace before she was allowed to leave to continue her work.

'I'm waiting :D'

"Have a seat" Diego pointed to the chair before him. "I'll brief you a little about your work here and the Marianne will take care the rest"

"Yes, sir"

Luciana is a pretty girl, had the shy look young women often wear, soft, composed, knows exactly how to behave unlike Ella, she is a mess yet Luciana did not really impressed Diego as what Ella had said three days ago. 'Ella must be out of her mind to hook us up by sending her here as my secretary' Diego thought. 

Though there are many reasons to fall for Luciana at the first meet, for him Luciana is just another newly employed employee working in the company. It was quite obvious for him to see it in Luciana that she is interested in him but he won't let that happen, he was sure about it. 

No distraction. Focus. 


The time strike 1 p.m., Ella glance at her watch, "Time for lunch. Time for checking" she smirked and headed out of her office to Agosti Firearms which was just a few blocks away. 

"Hi, Luciana. I can't believe you got the job?" Ella jumped in excitement and hugged her friend who was equally excited.

"Thank you, Ella. For getting my resume go through the verification so I could be interviewed here. Grace has been very polite during the interview making me less nervous it helped me score more. Mr. Moretti was a little intimidating but the rest are fine. I'm just glad that I'm working with him now" Luciana said it all in a breath unable to content her joy. 

"I can see that. Well..., speaking about the devil, it will always be a devil. Can't really change that man" Ella sighed as she leaned on Luciana's desk. 

"You sure this will work?" Luciana asked hesitated about Ella trying to hook up Luciana and Diego just because Luciana sort of like him.  

"I'm damn sure. That guy is just good at scaring peop...ahhhh" Ella winced in pain as someone pulled her hair from the back. 

"That's enough, you little devil." Diego pulled her out of Luciana's cubicle by her hair.

"Leave my hair, idiot"

"Please excuse us" Luciana was quite startled at how Diego was reacting, she feared how he would react if she did something wrong. 

"You should not man handle me" Ella complained as she walked behind him closely.

"I'm not! Stop overreacting" he said with stern face as they walked into his office.

There were two reasons for him to pull Ella away from Luciana at that moment; one was because of her chatter mouth and for what she did and the other was about D'Luca. 

Diego had found a business card named Simone D'Luca in one of Demetrio's drawers which was previously locked. There were personal diaries too which Diego find to be offensive if reads it hence he left it as it was. At the same time, he thought why not read it probably there might be something related to D'Luca written.

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