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The next morning was crucial for Diego. He hurriedly got ready and headed towards Thiyagu's room. He knocked and later pounded on the door when there was no respond from the inside. 

"Thiyagu! Open the damn door, will you?" Diego yelled, just then his little brother opened the door with sleepy eyes and quilt wrapped around him. 

"Why are you yelling early in the morning?" he asked letting his brother in and soon jumped back on the bed. 

"Wake up, Thiyagu! Listen this is important" Diego said and turned his head to the open door, stride towards it and shut the door close. 

"Wake up, Thiyagu!" he slapped Thiyagu's shoulder.

"I'm going to meet Alfonso now. I need you to keep an eye on dad. Are you with me?" 

"Yes, listening" Thiyagu nodded with sleepy squinted eyes. 

"Good. See, I'm not sure how but dad seems to come close into my doubt radar—"

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about!" Thiyagu exclaimed. 


"El, called me the other day about twenty minutes before Luciana met in accident. She told me that Luciana had taken the car dad had arrange it for her. It seems dad needed her help in the office"

"Which office?"

"Didn't ask about that... Never mind, the thing is I doubt dad is the reason behind the accident. Why will he need Ella's help when both the companies have good resources?"

"Are you sure?"

"I almost 80% sure. Might need some prove to justify my doubts. But Dad is behaving differently ever since I came back probably you must have notice long before too"

"Yes, I did. The doubt has been there since Ara's topic evoked. There are so many coincident happened at the same time that it's too hard not to notice them. Last night when I spoke to him, he sounded different. 

He seemed strange. How did I got my doubt shifted to Lazaro..." Diego mumbled the last part, it went inaudible for Thiyagu. 

"Strange like how?"

"He spoke more of a concern towards the slipping of the property instead of grieving over Luciana's death" 

"But again, why will dad plan an accident for El?" Thiyagu asked. 

" after deliberating over last night's conversation, I think dad is after the Agosti's properties. Which means, if Luciana is the Ara Agosti dad had arranged, Ella is an immediate hurdle towards his goal, right?" Diego explained. 

"True! I too feel Luciana was brought in by him. Why is he even after Uncle D's properties? Don't we have enough?" 

Diego's mobile rang breaking their conversation midway. 

"I need to meet Alfonso. You watch out for dad. Next few days might be pivotal for us. Don't miss even a single detail"

"On it, brother. But first I need to shower" Thiyagu jumped out from the bed and ran to the bathroom. 


Ella sat on the stool bar at the kitchen counter while she watched Chandra effortlessly cut and chopped the pineapple into cubes. Indulging in small talks with Chandra did not help her wavering mind that kept diverting back to the day Luciana died. Though she had calmed Diego who was in the same state of mind as her, she was still stuck there. 

It got worst when she had nothing else to concentrate. 

"Are you listening to me, Ella?" Chandra's voice broke her chain of thoughts. 

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