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Ella called in sick and told her HR Head that she will not be in for the day before she headed to the Agosti Firearms building in the afternoon. She had said the same to Diego when he had called her up earlier, that means she won't be meeting him either though she will practically be in the same building as him.

Ella scanned the lobby of the Agosti Firearms making sure no Diego or anyone who would tell him about her presence in the office. Satisfied with her scanning, she walked pass the little crowd towards the elevator and pressed the button to security floor.

Spending about a few minutes around the floor, Ella found herself seated in front of multiple screens displaying different angles of the Agosti Firearms interiors. The security camera monitoring room was quite huge, huger than her apartment. Ella decided to stay put on her seat afraid she might accidentally touch those many buttons on the control panels.

"Ella!" Thomas delightfully called her as soon as he entered the room.

"Why didn't you wait for me in my office" he said motioning her to another room that was divided by a series of glass panels.

"They told me this is your office" Ella stepped in the rather quiet surrounding than she was earlier.

"It is but this exact space is my actually office. The rest is an extension of it"

Settling down, Thomas took a few extra minutes finishing up his work before he could give his full attention to Ella.

Meanwhile, Ella took the opportunity to look around the Security Head's office. The wall that she had been staring a while left her astonished and speechless. The wall was decorated with many photographs and a few medals hanging on it. One particular photo had a group of people in army uniform and below the picture written Intelligence Officers Batch '59. She spotted the very same man who is in the office room with her in the photograph only much younger than he is now.

"You was an Intelligence Officer?" she asked him as she looked stupefied at the seventy-five year old man who is still as strong as steel.

He looked up from his paper work to meet the astound brown orbs waiting for his answer which she now knew already. Thomas smiled and nodded to the girl as he joined next her to see the very familiar photographs and medals.

"These are very close to me. Having them hung here reminds me of my duty so I don't get bored or tired with what I do now." Thomas laughed and lightly caressed the photo frames.

"I left army when I was forty-two. My mother didn't want me to be there anymore, I had to oblige her. Took an early retirement and started of something similar, domestically" he laughed and motioned her to take a seat.

"Anyways, tell me what brought this young lady to meet this old man?"

"Oh that... um- I actually was um- I wanted to know something" she stammered a little to the ex-army officer.

"What is it?" he eyes were fixed back to the paper work he was working on earlier.

"Okay..., imagine you are kidnapped in the daylight" the pen movement in his hand stopped before it was put down and his entire attention was focused on her.

"Kidnapped? Hmm... interesting"

"Yeah. So, the imaginary you got kidnapped, kept for a few days and let you go after that. What could be the reason?" she made the long story short.

"The imaginary me was kept captive and was released without any threat or physical encounter" he asked in which she just nodded her head.

"So, you did not see their faces?"

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