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Looking up from the corner of a closed environment, Diego tried to steady himself trying to comprehend where he was and what was going around him. He looked around the room with blurry vision, he saw two figures sitting not far from him while another was closer to him.

He winced a little as he tried to lift his right arm, not just his arms but every inch of his body ached. The hits and punches he received earlier left him bruised every corner of his body and lucky for him there wasn't any injuries. 

"How are you feeling, son?" said a familiar voice who had his back turned to him a while ago. 

"Not good, Thomas. Not at all" he replied with no strength, dropping his head back on the pillow. 

The old man might have found it hilarious, his laughter had caught the attention of Ella and a doctor who was treating her injuries.

"What's so funny Thomas?" 

"Well, you are a fragile child" Thomas commented earning glares from Diego. "Seriously. You were only bruised.  That girl over there got a gun shot that scratched a little on the back of her shoulder leaving slight burn on her skin. Thank god. And you are here with bruises. So, relax. You will be fine" Thomas tapped Diego's shoulder lightly. 

Diego uttered no word after that. He kept staring at the woman whom he thought to be fragile turned out to be quite resilient. Ella looked calm and composed while the doctor treated her. He shook his head at the recall of what he saw a few hours ago.

'How I'm not aware of it? I never knew she can—fight' he kept mumbling from within. 

The fluidity in her movement during the attack earlier left him speechless. 

"How did you do that?" he asked right after the doctor exited the room. 

"Do what?" both, Ella and Thomas asked in unison.

"I meant Ella. You fight." 

She smiled tremulously at his inquiry. "Just... a little" she said with a hand gesture of leaving a small gap between her thumb and index finger. 

"A little? That stunt you did out there, did not look like you knew a little"

"okay, not a little. Maybe a little more" she said rolling her eyeballs left and right. 

The raise of his eyebrow said he ain't buying her crappy explanation and demanded her to tell exactly how she knew to fight and how did that piece of information slipped from him. 

After having an inner debate for sometime, Ella unleashed the history of her fighting skills. 

"Ahh... fine. I have two years training in combat fighting from the Morosini Military School but I was pulled out from there. Not just me, a number selected students from my orphanage was pulled out and got enrolled in the high school you were already in. This entire military thing happened before I met you. 

The reason I could still fight to some extend though I was out of military school about eight years is because we used to practice among inmates in the orphanage with the little knowledge we gained from the military school" the revelation of her military school attendance left Diego and Thomas surprised. 

Who would have thought a girl like Ella, that looked soft and fragile will be an ex-student of a military school. Diego sees her in a different perspective as a strong, resilient and a hardcore woman.

'hmm... Fascinating'


The dining area had turned into an interrogation room when Diego and Ella joined the Morettis. Both were fairly covered with bruises that were prominent on their faces which was impossible to get unnoticed by the parents.

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