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The ride home was quiet, very quiet. With Ella in the car, never once in the last three or four times that she got in the car was this quiet. Diego understood that she was terrified with what happened earlier and especially when they were chased with guns. She was almost lost.

"Ella" he shook her slightly bringing her back to conscious.


"Are you okay?" she nodded in reply. Diego had stopped for a while at the petrol station so they could talk about what else Ella had heard before he joined.

"I wasn't purposely eavesdropping. I was actually searching for the toilet when I heard someone from the room mentioned Demetrio's name. That caught my attention, and soon after you were there. So, I really don't know what was the conversation before that"

After weighing down the conversation they heard, Diego came to a conclusion that Ara Agosti must be somewhere in Milan and not far according to the men. But the question is, how did they manage to know about Ara before him? And how can he find her?

As he drove out of the petrol station, there were few cars following his. Diego was not at all sure if the cars that are following them were sent by the three men or it is by chance it happened to be behind them. He wasn't sure if those guys even saw them both. Whatever it was, he wanted to be safe. Diego slowed down the car speed by the side of the road and once the car passed them by, he heaved a sigh of relieve as he continued driving.

"You are just being paranoid, Diego. Relax. I'm sure they had not seen us" she said murmuring the last part.

"No! I can't just be relaxed as if nothing will happen. The way those guys spoke I doubt if they will even think before ending someone's life" Diego retorted.

She didn't want to add another problem into Diego's mind not after she saw him being overly suspicious and worried as if they were being chased. He would have stopped at least ten to fifth-teen times before they reached her apartment. Ella clearly remembers one of the three men saw her while they were running away from the hallway when she turned around to see three men running behind them. Even if they missed to have a glance of her face, she noticed there was CCTV fixed at the two end of the hallway earlier. Their face must have been captured in the surveillance camera and the men must be watching who it was by now.

'I hope they don't find us' Ella prayed silently.

Ensuring Ella goes safe in her apartment and everything else is secured for her, she literally had to chase Diego out of her apartment.

"Are you sure, you will be fine?"

"Yes! I'll be fine, Diego" she assured.

"Call me if there's anything", Diego left her apartment after sometime.

Though Diego was relieved that Ella is now safe at home, somewhere within he felt there is more to come. He was sure at least one of the men would have seen them and considering the way they speak, they must have a strong influence of mobsters, Diego was sure about. In a flick, Diego reached for the glove compartment of the car's dashboard and checked for his concealable pistol, just to be sure to keep it handy if there's someone coming after him.

The least he wanted to happen now was to be attacked when he isn't conscious about his surrounding. His mind have been wavering ever since he left Ella's house, he wasn't even concentrating on the road.

The voice that he heard in the room echoed in his head again and again,

'Finish them all off. We don't want anyone associated with Demetrio to be alive, do we?'

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